Ten days ago, most areas across the country ended their college entrance examinations last week. The parents who accompany the exam outside the exam room are also very interesting: some are holding sunflowers, some are wearing cheongsams, some are holding banners, some are hustli

10 days ago

Most parts of the country ended their college entrance examinations last week.

The parents who accompany the exam outside the exam room are also very interesting: some are holding sunflowers, some are wearing cheongsams, some are holding banners, some are crowded outside the exam room, looking at each other eagerly, some are preparing to give flowers to their children after the exam...

Some netizens saw it The details of these parents' efforts to protect their children's college entrance examinations are deeply touching - this kind of maximum encouragement to their children and tolerance for the worst results is moving.

Many parents will think that the answers they give their children are so important? How could it have such a big impact?

The answer is yes. All the negative answers and emotions you give your children will cause irreparable harm to them.

When a child fails to do well in an exam, you think your blaming is a wake-up call for the child and can encourage the child to review himself and work hard. In fact, you are just instilling more stress in your children and dealing another blow to their scarred hearts.

Children who are last in the exam can "counterattack" because of a word

We often see examples of poor students changing their learning because of a word or an opportunity from their parents or teachers.

Some parents are afraid that "approval" and "praise" will make us proud. They don't know that sometimes positive recognition of children can be magical.

A mother shared the results of her daughter’s first monthly exam in her first year of high school: Chemistry, with a score of 49, in a class of 54 students, ranking fourth from the bottom.

Two of the sentences touched me very much. One was what the mother said to her child - "Congratulations! The progress star of your class next month is yours!"

The other was what the child said to his mother when he came back the next day. - "Mom, many students in our class are miserable! After getting 60 or 70 points in the exam, they were scolded by their parents when they got home..."

This child must be very lucky. Her mother's response retained her confidence and motivation. I believe in her. I will definitely make great progress in the next exam.

Learning is a marathon in life. Compared with criticism and accusation, a belief in him, an appreciative look, and a word of encouragement can support him to run faster and further in this marathon.

If parents respond like this, their children will become better and better

① Give empathy and acceptance

We have to tell our children - no matter you are good or bad, I am always behind you, believing in you and loving you; when you fail Or when you are in trouble, I will not ridicule or belittle you, but will accept and help you.

Only by giving children empathy and acceptance can children have the opportunity to learn to express themselves, generate internal drive, and do a series of things well including learning.

② Share stories about overcoming setbacks to strengthen children's confidence

You can share with your children how you have overcome lows and faced setbacks, or tell your children a story about overcoming failure. You can also give examples of children who have successfully overcome difficulties in the past.

③ Help children develop good study habits and find ways to make progress together.

In the upcoming summer, parents can make vacation study plans with their children, learn from past failures, turn setbacks into motivation for reaching the next target, and cultivate their children's problem-solving thinking and resistance to stress.

For children, good grades are important, but what is more important is that children can have good study habits.

With correct guidance and positive influence on children, top students can reach a higher level, and even low-achieving students can counterattack one day.