Introduction: This year’s daughter is just right for kindergarten. Ms. Tian sent her child to kindergarten after school started. At first, the child could not adapt to the life there, but after spending a few days, the child slowly adapted to the life there. There were many frien

Introduction: This year’s daughter is just right for kindergarten. Ms. Tian sent her child to kindergarten after school started. At first, the child could not adapt to the life there, but after spending a few days, the child slowly adapted to the life there. There were many friends in the class.

I originally thought that everything was going in a good direction, but one day my daughter suddenly said that she did not want to go to kindergarten. At first, Ms. Tian did not realize the seriousness of the problem. But is this really like this?

What happened was that one day when it was time to go to bed, Ms. Tian was telling her daughter a bedtime story, and her daughter suddenly said that she didn’t want to go to school . Ms. Tian asked her daughter why she stopped going to school. The little girl’s answer surprised Ms. Tian.

It turns out that this incident is related to Ms. Tian. Once, Ms. Tian picked up her daughter and came home from school. When she saw her daughter, she forgot to call her name and called out her nickname, Little Meatball. One thing that no one noticed made my daughter not want to go to school. The next day at school, the whole class knew her baby name "Little Meatball" , and there were also some naughty children who kept yelling at her.

The little girl felt that they were not friendly to her, so she did not want to go to school , and she still felt a little disgusted with school. At this time, Ms. Tian also realized the seriousness of the problem. It can be seen that my daughter is very disgusted and even a little repelled by this matter. Although some people may think it is nothing, the world of children is very simple, does not have many ideas .

Therefore, Ms. Tian promised her daughter that she would never call her baby name in front of other children in the future. Later, the matter was resolved with the help of the teacher, but it was definitely not an accident!

In fact, many children will have the nickname , but some parents' nicknames are quite unique. In the past, there was a saying in rural areas that nicknames are easy to raise. Although there are fewer of them now, there are more and more strange names.

But it is best not to say these nicknames in front of outsiders. Children also have self-esteem. Calling them by their nicknames in front of their friends may make them the object of ridicule.. Therefore, after the child is three years old, it is best not to call them by their nickname.

Why don’t you call your child by his nickname in front of outsiders?

For children at the age of three, is a watershed. After that, they begin to remember , their self-awareness begins to slowly increase, and their inner world begins to slowly enrich. Especially when I am with other friends, my self-esteem is very strong.

And nicknames are usually given by close relatives. children are also used to you calling them . However, when you start going to kindergarten after the age of three, you will come into contact with the children in the class every day. If you call them by their nickname in front of them, you will feel embarrassed. Some children will also play pranks, so the children do not like to call them like this.

Children will have low self-esteem

Straight The next point is that children will become low self-esteem . I feel that other parents treat them as adults, but I am still a child and do not get the respect I deserve. I am always called by a nickname. . In school, they are also likely to become isolated and ridiculed by others. In this way, the children will become introverted and have low self-esteem.

And some parents don't take it seriously, will also hurt the children's hearts . Don't think this is alarmist. Many people may be aware of the exclusionary nature of groups in psychology. Ms. Tian's daughter is a good example. Her nickname was known to the whole class with an unintentional remark. had a problem with the next day. Fortunately, Ms. Tian discovered it earlier, otherwise the consequences would have been different. What a look!

Secondly, it also has a great impact on the parent-child relationship. Don't think that always calling your children by their nicknames means pampering them. They don't think so.Just like Ms. Tian's daughter, the whole class knew her nickname the next day. Make her the joke of the class so the kids will think who caused this. If it cannot be solved well, will inevitably affect the relationship between parents and children .

Parents should correct their mistakes in time

If parents cannot understand in time, cannot correct such tendencies in time, it may lead to the child's rebellious period coming early, or the child may become introverted and have low self-esteem, which is very harmful. Far-reaching .

Finally, it affects the development of children . Research also shows that children who are always called nicknames mature much slower than children of the same age. Because calling children by their nicknames for a long time will make them feel that they are still young. It will make them feel that they are still a child. They are much slower than others in terms of mental maturity, which is also a hindrance to children's independence.

Children after the age of three begin to mature , both physically and mentally. You must communicate more with your children and understand their inner world in a timely manner. On the contrary, many parents now do not understand their children or their inner thoughts.

For some parents, they may not know what their children are thinking until their children reach adulthood. When dealing with things related to children, don't rely on your own subjective assumptions. You can ask your children more about their thoughts. Only in this way can you solve the problem better, otherwise you will solve your own problems.

Now you know why after the child is three years old, you should never call her by her nickname in front of outsiders. In front of outsiders, parents must know . If they want to protect their children's face, they should ask their children more about their thoughts.


Communicate more with your children and understand their inner world in a timely manner. Don’t ignore things that you think are trivial. Things that you think are trivial may affect the child’s life. Pay more attention to them. Your child will grow up healthy and happy.

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