The first thing he said to me when he woke up was, "Brother, I have lived for most of my life and now I understand that the most helpless and powerless thing for a middle-aged person is not the lack of money and status, but the most helpless thing is seeing his own children." I w

The most helpless and powerless thing for middle-aged people is not the lack of money and status, but the most helpless thing is seeing their children come step by step, living worse than themselves, and ultimately accomplishing nothing and having mediocre qualifications. The most powerless thing is that the body loses to health.

He said that he slept very well in the hospital last night, peaceful and stable, and he had never felt more relaxed. The first thing he said to me when he woke up was, "Brother, I have lived for most of my life and now I understand that the most helpless and powerless thing for a middle-aged person is not the lack of money and status, but the most helpless thing is seeing his own children." I walked through it step by step, but my life was not as good as my own. In the end, I accomplished nothing and my qualifications were mediocre. You say the child is mediocre, forget it. I worked hard to make money, but in the end I lost my health. At this time, I don’t know how to comfort him because I am not good at words. I can only tell him to take good care of his health, relax and slowly let go. , sister-in-law and children need you. Nothing else is a problem, everything will be fine!

He said brother, the only way out for children is to study, which is the lowest-cost investment. People's Daily also commented: Educating children well is investing in the rest of their lives. Parents’ investment in their children paves the way for their children’s future and makes them better. But some people say that the best way out for a child is for his parents to accumulate enough raw wealth for him to at least surpass other children at the starting line. Some people also say that in the second half of life, what matters is not money, but children. But which sentence is the truth?

Brother, you see, take me as an example. I have been working hard for the first half of my life and trying hard to change my life, but in the end I still lived a mediocre life and achieved nothing! I also had bad luck when I was born. I grew up in a remote and backward rural area. My family was poor and I lived in poverty since I was a child. My parents are both honest and honest farmers. My family has a foreign surname in the village and is passed down from three generations. Our family is not well-received in the village. As long as I can remember, my uneducated father has always strictly required me to study hard, saying that studying is the only way out of the mountains. However, I was born with poor grades. I finally managed to graduate from a technical secondary school and struggled all the way from the countryside to the provincial capital. . I finally found a place to stay in the provincial capital. Taking my parents to live with me, my parents did not enjoy much blessing. Before my father passed away, he always asked me to educate my children to study hard and have a good future. But I failed him.

When my son was born, I imagined a bright future and hoped that he would bring glory to our ancestors.

Since my son went to school, my dream has been shattered step by step! Perhaps it is the continuation of my own life. Like most fathers, I have high hopes for him. Even when he first learned to call daddy, I was thinking that he would go to Tsinghua University , Peking University , and West China Medical University in the future. Bigger, or National University of Defense Technology, ?

My wife and I have always been very attentive to our children’s education. My wife is a college graduate and works as an HR manager in a company. From elementary school to junior high school, our son basically explained all the questions he didn’t know. As long as it is about learning, we will try our best to satisfy him and never be stingy. Under such learning conditions, my son's grades have always been among the top 15 in the class!

When he first entered elementary school, his son’s grades were hovering between the bottom and second in the class. My wife and I were not particularly worried. We felt that boys were slow to wake up and come to their senses later, so it would be better if he went to junior high school. However, despite what we think in our hearts, we dare not delay our children's learning. We would urge him to complete what he had to learn every day and patiently explain the topics to him.

From my son’s study, I seem to have realized a truth: effort and reward are not necessarily directly proportional. For example, if you tell him a math problem dozens of times, he may not be able to remember it. I couldn't recite an ancient Chinese poem even after memorizing it for several nights. Not to mention English. Sometimes I get so angry that my blood pressure rises. Sometimes at the most helpless moments, I really want to find a place to cry and vent my emotions. How could I be so unhappy?He always takes his time when doing homework, procrastinating for as long as he can. His handwriting is like a chicken scratch. I can’t even imagine how his teacher feels when he sees such handwriting and learning attitude every day.

There is a saying that hard work pays off. When my son was in fourth grade, I got my wish and he was so angry that he was hospitalized. That time it was because he only scored 15 points in the math test. I was shocked when I saw this score. I felt that even if I couldn't get a full score on the primary school math test paper, I would have to get at least 80 points or above.

I argued with him all night, forcing him to correct all the wrong content in the math test paper, but he couldn't explain at least half of the questions. One of the questions was about how much 6+5 equaled in the end, and he actually wrote 10 as the answer. At that moment I couldn't bear it any longer. My blood pressure rushed to my forehead, my breathing became rapid, and my vision went black. I didn't know anything, my mind went blank, and I woke up lying on a hospital bed.

I stayed in the hospital for three days before I came out. When I returned to work, my colleagues asked me why I was hospitalized. I was too embarrassed to tell my colleagues that I was angry with my son! With such a low score in elementary school, let alone junior high school. Their class teacher called me every three days, either to tell me why my son had not finished his homework, or to tell me that my son did not follow discipline in class, or would sleep and snore in class, and even disturb other students in class.

Later, his results were very stable. Stable in the bottom six of the class. The top six in the class should be stable. The top six in the division are often replaced, and everyone takes turns. The bottom six in my son's class are guaranteed. They will always be their fixed six, and no one can get in.

My wife and I tried every means to improve his grades, but to no avail.

Time flies so fast. In a blink of an eye, my son is in the third grade of junior high school, and he has to take the high school entrance examination in one semester. I suddenly realized that my son was destined to miss high school. He would not be able to pass the exam! With his bad grades, he couldn't find a high school willing to take him even with any money. People thought he was too bad at studying, so if he went in, his chances of getting into higher education would be lowered, fearing that he would be a drag on others.

Before, I thought that taking the high school entrance examination was relatively simple and basically stress-free. But I never expected that for my son, it would become a huge mountain that he would never be able to climb. He can only study in vocational school. In this way, my wife and I also raised a son who is studying in a vocational school.

That year, many old colleagues in the company were talking about their children's academic performance, but I was sitting on pins and needles, afraid that someone would ask which high school my son had passed? But the circle is so small. It didn't take long for my colleagues to know that my son was studying in a vocational school. They comforted me and said that all roads lead to Rome. If I am a top scholar, good grades do not mean that I will have a bad life in the future. In my opinion, these comforts are tantamount to adding fuel to the fire, because I know that every parent attaches great importance to the academic performance of their children.

What kind of place is

? In fact, everyone knows in their hearts that few students here are willing to study. In addition to skipping classes every day, they just eat, drink, have fun, play games, and even fight. My son has been in a vocational school for three years. He only has a bunch of bad friends and learned nothing. After graduation, my son is considered an adult. But he didn't enlighten, he didn't change his mind overnight, reflect on his life and future, and go out and work hard in society.

just packed up and went home. When he came home, the word "gnawing at the old" floated in my mind. Yes, he was going to chew on the old!

If I were a big boss and had endless money in my hands, it would be fine if he came to take advantage of it.

But I was just the most ordinary migrant worker. I wanted power but not power, money but not money, and status but not status. The only thing I was thankful for was that I was able to take root in the provincial capital and buy this house. Otherwise, with my level , if I had been born ten or twenty years later, it would have been difficult for me to settle down in the provincial capital.

's dead salary every month is definitely not enough for him to live in old age.I thought, my son is not a bad person, he is just a little lazy and poor in studies, but you can't deny everything about him just because of his poor academic performance, right? He is usually a very well-behaved child at home and never causes trouble outside.

Not long after, these self-comforting words seemed to have no effect. I found that my son was not only poor in studies, but also poor in other aspects. He couldn't learn anything. It took me more than two years of study to get my driving license, and I failed the second and third subjects a total of ten times. The coach who taught him got a big headache when he saw him. On the day when he passed the third-level exam, the coach was so excited that he bought a bottle of Coke and drank it. He thought that he was finally sending the god of plague away, and he just needed to hold a farewell ceremony.

crashed in the first month after learning to drive. I even doubted whether there was something wrong with my son's IQ, but seeing how serious he was in playing games and how good he was at it, and the people who teamed up with him lined up to beg him to help me, I gave up the idea. I asked my friend to find a way out for him. It would be okay to just stay at home, so that he could go to work safely and earn some money. He wanted to learn a trade, but he didn't mind it being hard or tiring. He just refused to go because the working hours were long and boring.

With his diploma, don't even think about taking the public examination. Many better units don't want children with such low diplomas, so don't count on it.

Not long after the Spring Festival last year, I finally went to work. After a few months, I resigned. I said I was very tired and it was better to rest at home for a while before going back to work. My wife and I are also reflecting on whether we spoil him too much? Let him feel that his mother and I are his backing. Since his parents are here, he won't be willing to go out to find the class? After thinking about this, my wife and I cut off all his financial resources and wanted to spend money to let him find a way to earn money on his own.

Then guess what? He doesn't smoke or drink, doesn't eat snacks, doesn't socialize, and doesn't talk about his girlfriend. I cut off all expenses and only eat at home and play with my mobile phone every day. After eating and sleeping, I woke up and played with my mobile phone. I often hide in the bathroom and slap myself in the face in the mirror. How come I have become such a loser? I can't not give him the steamed buns?

My son, who is in his twenties, has lived his life as a man in his eighties or nineties, with no desires or desires!

At the beginning of this year, my wife told me, why don’t I introduce him to a girlfriend? Maybe once he falls in love, his brain will be enlightened and he will be willing to fight? Not long after, my wife introduced her colleague’s daughter to her son. The girl was three years older than my son. She had a quiet and stable personality, and had the demeanor of a sister taking care of her younger brother.

One time when a girl called me to take care of my son, I couldn't believe myself. I was so excited that I almost shed tears. My wife and I both wanted to kneel down and pray for peace of mind for this future daughter-in-law. Unexpectedly, the two broke up after dating for more than half a year. It was my son who initiated the breakup. The reason for the breakup was that "it's too troublesome to fall in love and you have to go out to meet each other." It's better to be alone and leisurely. Until that moment, I felt that although I was alive, my heart was already dead.

My son has been lying on his back at home for several months. Summer has just entered and it is such a hot day. If I am not wrong, I think he will lie on his back at home until autumn before considering whether to find a job. My wife and I reflect on ourselves every night before going to bed. What have we done wrong in the past twenty years? Why did my son become like this?

My wife and I left her sooner or later, and the only thing left to him was this old house. Maybe by then this house would be too dilapidated to be inhabited.

I don’t know where my son’s future will be. I dare not tell my mother now that she is old and the house in her hometown cannot be sold. What if one day your grandson can no longer survive in the provincial capital and returns to his hometown in the countryside. Although, I think he might starve to death in the countryside! Firstly, I don’t know how to farm, and secondly I am afraid of hardship, but I haven’t sold my house in my hometown yet, just in case.

While chatting with him, I felt a lonely and helpless father, telling his inner anguish, bitterness and helplessness, as well as his unforgettable love for his children. And I just hope that his big brother understands, let go of some things, and don't go Be persistent, do your job well, have the kind nature you should have, and stay true to your heart, then life will not be so tiring. Some things cannot be forced, just let them take their own course. I think most children with mediocre qualifications come to this world to repay their kindness. It’s just that parents have too high expectations for them and force them to learn something that is not of interest to them. Don't let him do something that interests him. It is enough to teach people to be kind, loving, hard-working and not a burden to society. As long as the child is healthy, filial to his parents, full of positive energy, and working hard, it is better than anything else.

If everyone is from Peking University or Tsinghua University, they are all upper-class elites, who will be the lower-class people? The lower level has the life value of the lower level, and the higher level has the troubles of the higher level. Life is not perfect, it is an experience, a journey, and a practice.