In the blink of an eye, it’s summer again. During winter and summer vacations, many parents will take advantage of the fact that schools are not in session to enroll their children in some extracurricular interest classes or tutoring classes. This can not only allow children to s

It’s summer vacation again in the blink of an eye. During winter and summer vacations, many parents will take advantage of the fact that schools are not in class to enroll their children in some extracurricular interest classes or tutoring classes. This can not only allow children to supplement some knowledge outside of textbooks, but also prevent children from playing with mobile phones at home every day. , kill two birds with one stone.

Speaking of interest classes, there are always some that are very popular among parents, including painting. Compared with other musical instruments, dance, etc., painting does not have too many restrictions and can fully release children's imagination. Therefore, it is more popular among children, and the learning threshold is relatively low.

Recently, a mother from Anhui shared a video of her child's painting on a social platform, which attracted the attention of many netizens on the Internet. Netizens expressed their envy: "I finally saw what talent is."

In the video, a little girl is sitting quietly in front of the drawing board and drawing. When the video is shot to the end, the child's brush is very silky and the lines are smooth without any hesitation.

looked at the child's seemingly random scribbling. He thought it was just for fun and he was doodling casually, but he didn't expect that the work would be eye-catching when it came out. Under the child's pen, a unicorn with wings stands on the paper, lifelike and full of aura. When the camera turned, the little girl was still holding a bottle in her hand.

According to the girl’s mother, the child started holding a pen when she was two and a half years old, taught herself how to draw, and continued to draw every morning. Since I started painting, I have painted a mountain of paintings.

After reading this mother’s sharing, netizens were no longer calm: “Holding a baby bottle is better than me, who has been eating for more than 30 years, and I can draw better”, “I finally know what talent is”, “Are all children I like to draw, and so does my daughter, but she’s not as good at drawing as this little girl.”

In fact, many parents will find that their children especially like to draw at one stage. Walls, floors, dining tables...any place that is within reach of the child will become the child's drawing board and become a colorful "painting" world. . It can be said that drawing is the talent of every child, but this talent has different levels.

If you also find that your baby starts to draw with a paintbrush and paint every corner of the house, don't get angry in a hurry. In fact, this is the child's sensitive period for graffiti.

What is the graffiti sensitive period? What are the rules?

Generally, children will start to scribble spontaneously from around 14 months old, and this behavior will continue until they are 3-4 years old. However, children's "painting" behavior during this period usually appears messy and disorderly, so it is called graffiti. , and this period is also called the graffiti period.

Victor Ronfeld, a famous American children's art educator, divided children's graffiti into four stages:

1. Undifferentiated graffiti (1.5-2 years old)

Undifferentiated graffiti is graffiti that cannot be controlled. At this stage, children "Drawing" is often in a chaotic and unorganized state. It may be some unconscious lines or just poking a few points on the paper, but in fact these are all exercises for children's hand and eye coordination.

2, Meridian Graffiti (2-2.5 years old)

Meridian Graffiti is repetitive line drawing. After a period of time, children slowly begin to be able to control different shapes of lines. Graffiti at this stage are sometimes short and dense lines. Sometimes it is a smooth and large arc, and it is repeated continuously to enhance the child's sense of coordination and control of the movements.

3, circle graffiti (2.5-3 years old)

Children's graffiti at this stage is mainly to draw circles repeatedly and use them to represent everything. However, the circles drawn by children may be different from what we adults define. What the children draw may be crooked patterns connected end to end. However, the high difficulty requirement of "drawing a circle" can train children's higher control ability.

4, Naming Graffiti (3-3.5 years old)

Naming Graffiti allows children to recognize the connection between the content of the painting and external things, and to name the painting inspired by the content of the painting. At this stage, the child will tell you "what he drew." Although in the eyes of adults, the content of the painting may not have anything to do with what the child depicts, the child is extremely confident.But this shows that children can connect actions with imagination, shifting from simple muscle movements to image thinking, which is a big leap in children's painting ability.

Graffiti is an important way for children to express their moods and thoughts. For children in the graffiti period, painting is not only a game, but also a very visual language. Graffiti not only satisfies children's curiosity and exploration of cause and effect relationships, but also their needs for self-expression. Graffiti can also exercise children's hand-eye coordination, self-expression skills, etc. This shows the importance of graffiti to children.

Thinking ability is not innate, but needs to be cultivated in the background. The graffiti activity without correct answers just meets the needs of children. As parents, we should comply with the rules of children's development and should not rush to use adult painting models to require and guide children. This is not only useless for improving children's painting skills, but may even discourage children's creative enthusiasm.

Do you have any other thoughts on today’s topic? Welcome to leave a comment and communicate with us.

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