Someone once said: The formation of habits requires perseverance, but persistence alone cannot form a habit; once a habit is formed, every time I don't follow the habit, I will feel regretful. Today I am inspired to write about the process of running with my wife and children in

Someone once said: The formation of habits requires perseverance, but persistence alone cannot form a habit; once a habit is formed, every time I don't follow the habit, I will feel regretful.

is inspired by my thoughts today. I will write about the process of running with my wife and children in the past two months, and talk about how I developed the habit of running.

On the first day of school, Dabao came first in the 400-meter race.

After coming home from school today, Dabao asked me to guess where she finished (the 400-meter race). Judging from her complacency, I guessed that she must be ranked very high. I guessed from second to fifth, but it turned out that I guessed wrong and she came first. It was really unexpected, but it makes sense if I think about it carefully. In the past two months, she ran 3 kilometers almost every day. She ran with me in the early stage and her mother later. She never needed supervision from others and was very self-disciplined. And I am becoming more and more strict with my diet, being very cautious about high-calorie foods, and no longer eat as much as I did before.

My wife develops the habit of running and no longer needs to be urged.

In order to make my wife insist on running, I specially set up a reminder: I will call my wife before 12 noon every day to remind her to run. This goes back to March. Why go to all the trouble to do this? The reason is simple: we are both approaching 40, and our bodies are starting to show signs of yellowing. I started running and losing weight half a month ago, and I have achieved some results. I have lost weight and my mental state is better than before. I started to encourage her to run too. She had run before, but she didn’t stick to it well enough and it was irregular, less than once a week on average.

In the past month, my wife has become regular about running. When she felt the physical and psychological changes that this sport brought to her, she became motivated to participate in this sport and insisted on running in the morning every day.

Nothing has become our common hobby like running

Running seems to be a low-threshold sport, but it is not easy to persist. There are two key factors: time and motivation. . I decided to run because I was growing tired of the weight I was gaining. I started running in February. The company has a gym. I usually go for a run at noon and I basically never miss it. Every time I take a shower after a run, I feel more energetic for the day, which is a very pleasant feeling. This also changed my original intention of running, not only to lose weight, but also to live a healthy lifestyle. Therefore, I need to arrange my work to the extreme and squeeze out time for running. Running can also bring me an energetic afternoon. During the period before I left the company, I lived a fulfilling life every day and always felt that I had endless energy.

It is precisely because of these that I strongly encourage my wife to run. I hope that this can become a part of her life. Now this goal has been achieved, and there is an unexpected gain - Dabao also likes running. In the evening when I wrote this article, Dabao and I ran 3 kilometers together and told her some of the techniques I had learned to block her outside to prevent her from being hit by cars. . . It feels wonderful.