Regardless of whether the baby is breastfeeding or has started to add complementary foods, doctors will often warn parents to try not to give their babies or give them as little sugar as possible. Many parents don't understand. What's wrong with babies liking sweets? Candy In gen

Regardless of whether the baby is breastfeeding or has started to add complementary foods, doctors will often warn parents to try not to give the baby or give less sugar to the baby.

Many parents don’t understand. What’s wrong with babies liking sweets?


Every kind of healthy diet introduction usually encourages eating more fruits and vegetables. Fruits are obviously sweet. Since fruits can be eaten, why can't sugar be eaten?

Actually, the "sugar" we want to limit is not exactly the same as the "sugar" everyone understands.

Sugar itself is not bad. On the contrary, it is one of the nutrients necessary for the human body.

The human body has three major energy-supplying nutrients, namely protein, fat and carbohydrates . The carbohydrates here mainly refer to sugar.

About 70% of the energy required by the human body is provided by sugar, so its importance is self-evident.

There are many types of sugars. Common sucrose, fructose, lactose, glucose, starch, cellulose, etc. are mostly sugars.

In addition to cellulose (which plays other roles as food for probiotics ), everything else will be absorbed and utilized in the human body either directly or indirectly. Part of the unused sugar is converted into fat and stored, and part is stored as glycogen until the body needs it.

What babies need to avoid is "extra added" sugar

We encourage babies to eat more natural foods, and sugar is widely distributed in natural foods, such as fructose and glucose in fruits, starch in grains, lactose in milk, etc. .

Natural fruits

Under normal circumstances, as long as the baby has a scientific diet and a reasonable amount of food, the sugar intake can fully meet the needs of the body.

The advantage of natural food is that it does not only contain sugar, but is rich in a variety of nutrients, including fat, protein, vitamins, trace elements, etc.

Eating natural food can not only meet the calories needed for physical activity, but also obtain other nutrients needed for growth and development. However, the ingredients of artificially synthesized, processed or extracted sugar are very simple. Most of them contain basically no other nutrients except sugar. Many foods made with these sugars, such as candies, drinks, snacks, etc., have different sugar content and sweetness. They are also relatively high. Often, eating a small amount may already lead to excessive sugar intake.

Too much sugar not only easily induces dental caries and obesity in babies, it can also cause other health problems, which is detrimental to the baby's long-term development and growth.

At the same time, an overly heavy texture will also make it easier for babies to develop taste preferences. The probability of developing partial or picky eaters in the future will also be higher, which is not conducive to the development of good eating habits.

Therefore, regarding the diet of infants and young children, we suggest that it should be as natural and light as possible.