Innovative black technology for children's watches: Mi Ka Mao Children's Dictation Watch

children's watch has been accepted by the majority of parents, and children like it very much, because it has positioning, telephone, video chat and other functions, which is convenient for parents and children. Children can also shake or touch friends to make friends.

Therefore, the annual sales of children's watches are steadily increasing. In 2020, the sales of children's watches nationwide will reach 50 million units, and there is a trend of continued expansion, because only children aged 3 to 12 years old The total number is 170 million nationwide. If junior and high school students are added, the overall market capacity will be about 300 million.

For children's watches on the market, parents may have difficulties when buying, because it seems that they have all the functions, and sometimes they can only buy well-known brands, and the prices are low and high. Yes, 500-600 yuan is more for purchase, followed by 1300-1400 yuan. Some children will buy different styles when they are 3-12 years old.

Shenzhen Mi Ka Yun Technology Co., Ltd. recently developed a new type of children's watch: Mi Ka cat children dictation watch, and has a national patent, why is it called a dictation watch? Let's briefly introduce it today.

children's dictation watch

In addition to the functions of ordinary children's watches, this children's watch also has another series of special functions: _p1sp

span1 Kamao dictation watch,Use Mi Ka Mao smart dictation pen, circle the smart dictation book, the smart dictation watch can make a sound, standard text reading. Dictation can be performed: Use the smart dictation pen to circle the turtle/rabbit/tiger/lion pattern, the smart watch can automatically broadcast the content to be dictated, and the speed of dictation is slow according to the four stages of class practice, unit review, and mid-term review. Medium and fast speeds.

(2) When the child is dictating, the content written on the smart dictation book with the smart dictation pen can upload the watch and upload the mobile phone APP, and the Mi Kayun APP on the parent or teacher’s mobile phone can see the child at the same time The original record of writing and the writing process, and can be automatically corrected with one-key intelligence (for example, mathematical calculations, etc.).

(3) Parents/teachers can give encouragement and other comments to their children's homework through the APP. These can be fed back to the watch worn by the child in time, can also be shared with classmates, and encourage each other.

(4) Other functions, such as child positioning, voice chat, video call, etc.

The entire product set includes: Mi Ka Mao Smart Children's Dictation Watch, Smart Dictation Pen, Smart Homework (including Smart Chinese Dictation, Smart English Dictation, Smart Primary School Mathematical Speaking Book, Smart Primary School Calligraphy Book , Smart Painting Book, Smart Language, Mathematics and English Copybooks)

Mi Ka Cat

With Mi Ka Cat Children’s Dictation Watch, daily dictation, writing and homework can be completed independently by children , Even if the parents are not around, they can see the child's situation through the mobile phone, and the teacher can make corrections in time and give feedback to the child.

Under the "double reduction" policy,The "black technology" in this children's watch will reduce the burden on children, parents, and teachers, so that children are interested, cultivate concentration, and better master the most basic knowledge.
