Mom forces her daughter to skip 3,000 ropes every day, causing her to get sick. How can the child exercise to lose weight correctly?

In the past few days, a topic called “Mom forced her daughter to grow taller by 3,000 rope skipping every day”. With hundreds of millions of reading enthusiasm, it reflects the anxiety of parents in their children's growth.

According to the mother, her child is 158 in height and weighs 120 kilograms in order to make her child grow 1 span in order to make her child grow 20 span3span. Change the previous 1000 skipping ropes every day to 1000 in the morning, midnight and evening.

At first, the child understands the parents' mood and actively cooperates; but not long ago, the child suddenly felt when skipping rope, left knee pain , even when walking .

When the child told her mother, the mother thought she wanted to be lazy. The two argued for a few days and had to go to the hospital for diagnosis.

The doctor examined the child and suspected that the child has tibial tubercle osteoepiphysitis (also called aseptic necrosis of tibial tuberosity)It is generally believed that the tibial tubercle epiphysis is the result of acute or repeated chronic injury under the traction of the patellar tendon, and most of it can heal itself), and the mother is regretful for a while.

"adolescent body anxiety" has long been the parents, 3000 in addition to jump rope skipping outside, mother tied The resident daughter did not let her eat, and the mother gave the child fruit every meal , etc. Such strange behaviors have also repeatedly appeared in the news.

Of course, it is normal for parents to be anxious about their children’s growth and development. After all, with the improvement of living conditions and nutrition, children’s height levels have also increased a lot, and they have seen their children lag behind. Other people of the same age are naturally concerned with worry.

But in terms of growth and development, whether it is diet or exercise, we should use a scientific system to formulate a child's growth plan.

and,In order to improve the physical fitness of young people, not only parents are working hard, but the Ministry of Education is also taking action.

In order to meet the growth and development needs of children and adolescents, was issued in July by four departments including the Ministry of Education and the National Health Commission. Provisions have been made for health monitoring, sports protection, etc.; in conjunction with the formal implementation of the "double reduction" policy in September, it is proposed to pay attention to the development of children's quality in sports and other aspects. While reducing the burden, fully focuses on the diet and exercise of young people .

parents must see

  • How should young people exercise and improve their physical fitness?

During adolescence, especially in childhood, the child’s nervous system is still developing. If you do special exercises too early, your muscles will not develop in a balanced way, and your spine may even develop The phenomenon of side bending.

What should be paid attention to in children's physical training?

One is to be comprehensive,It’s better to have more types. takes care of all aspects of the child’s physical growth, but the amount of exercise should not be too large. The general exercise time should be maintained at about half an hour to an hour ; _span3 u span1 _span3 The second is to focus on the training of nerve response speed, and to conduct strength training appropriately and regularly. is in line with the characteristics of children's age development, and it can also make children stronger and healthier.

  • Of course, because living conditions have become so obese, how can many children lose weight easily?

First of all, we should clarify the criteria for judging adolescent obesity.

According to experts, juvenile obesity mainly includes weight for age, skinfold thickness, body mass index (BMI) and height standard weight.

We usually compare the height and weight of a child with a reference group (value) of the same age and sex, is defined as obesity if it is more than 20% of the same age and same sex. , the following is the height and weight standard comparison table.


If you exceed these standards, you really have to lose weight for your child.

However, when you lose weight, you must first be clear, that is, nutrition must be balanced.

Doctor’s recommended diet:

1 1. Eat a cup of soy, rich noodles, , and 1 or 2 cups of for breakfast. Congee and so on, eat a dish of vegetables, and then eat an apple.

Have a richer breakfast,Conducive to improve metabolism, avoid eating too much lunch and dinner.

2. Pay attention to controlling calories for lunch, Eat more vegetables, eat less meat, and have a proper amount of meals. Generally, 7 or 8 points of fullness are good.

3. For dinner, you can eat 1-2 fruits, 1 dish of vegetables, and 1 bowl of whole grain porridge.

4. Do not eat snacks such as potato chips, and do not eat greasy foods such as barbecue. Drink less sugary drinks and more water.

For children with good physique and light obesity, you can choose sports activities like span3, span3, span1, span3, span3, span, _strong, 35, span, 35, strong. Off-road etc.

with poor physical fitness and obvious obesity,You can choose less exercise items: slow running, a hundred steps after a meal, cycling for sightseeing, playing badminton, fitness dance and so on.

Those who are overweight need to be guided by professionals, develop a targeted training plan.

Obviously, the mom who was on the hot search before set a little too much for her child. weight loss is not something that we are growing up in a sudden. Should be more cautious.

It is necessary to plan children's diet and exercise in daily life in order to slowly achieve our goals and desired effects.


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