Want to kill mosquitoes but are afraid of "poison"? How can Xiaobao prevent mosquitoes in summer?

This article involves professional knowledge and is only for reference by medical professionals.

There is so much knowledge about mosquito repellent

One thing that makes people feel irritable in summer is high temperature, and the other is mosquitoes. The baby’s skin is delicate and tender, especially mosquitoes. When summer arrives, they are covered with mosquito bags. Parents use all kinds of mosquito-killing equipment. Now many families use electric mosquito coils, but some parents are worried: babies can use it. Electric mosquito coils?

The main components of the traditional mosquito coils and electric mosquito coils are pyrethroid , and pyrethroids are divided into natural pyrethroids— pyrethrins, and chemically synthesized pyrethrins— — permethrin, tetramethrin, cypermethrin and so on. The mosquito repellent component of the electric mosquito coil is pyrethroid. Pyrethroid is a broad-spectrum insecticide, which is less toxic to humans and most mammals but is highly toxic to mosquitoes and other insects (and cats and fish). By interfering with the nervous system of insects, they are overexcited and convulsed to death.

Source: A treasure

But the disc type mosquito coil is not suitable for children. There are rumors that "a plate of mosquito coil is equivalent to 120 packs of cigarettes". This statement is a bit exaggerated, but it is not unreasonable. The principle of traditional disc mosquito coils is to release insect repellent ingredients when burned. The disadvantage of this method is that a lot of smoke will be generated when the burning is not sufficient. Chinese Academy of Sciences The Shanghai Entomological Museum used 4 hot-selling mosquito coils as samples to carry out mosquito repellent experiments. Experiments have shown that the mosquito repellent coils are effective in killing mosquitoes, but they do increase the PM2.5 concentration in the environment ( When the mosquito coil burned, the highest PM2.5 in the 28m 2 glass room in the experiment reached 500).

electric mosquito coils are safe for adults to use,

is best not for infants and young children

As far as the safety of the active ingredient pyrethroids in electric mosquito coils is concerned, it is not recommended for infants and young children. The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) health risk assessment of pyrethroids shows that there is currently no evidence that they cause long-term health damage to adults, and infants and children are not more sensitive to them than adults. However, studies have found that there is a certain correlation between high exposure to pyrethroids and infant weight gain.

Source: a treasure

The main component of many electric mosquito coils sold in my country is chlorfluthrin , and this component has not been approved for use in the United Kingdom, the European Union, and the World Health Organization. my country lists pyrethroids as pesticide ingredients, so the regular electric mosquito liquid has a pesticide production license number and a pesticide registration certificate , which shows that this product is safe and effective from pesticides test.

Are children's electric mosquito coils really useful?

my country’s safety standards for cyfluthrin are required to be 0.1%~1.2%. At present, there is no separate safety standard for children’s mosquito repellent coils in China. In the end, children’s electric mosquito coils on the market reduce the content of active ingredients for safety. At the same time, it also sacrifices part of the effect. It may not achieve the mosquito killing effect, but it can also achieve a certain mosquito repellent effect.

Commonly used mosquito repellent ingredients for other children on the market are DEET and Picaridin. However, consumers at home and abroad have misunderstood DEET , so that many products label themselves as "DEET free". In fact, DEET is a relatively safe mosquito repellent ingredient with low toxicity and effective concentration. 10%~30%, the higher the concentration, the longer the mosquito repellent time will be.But it is not that the higher the better, it needs to be used within the effective concentration.

Picture: The molecular structure of DEET

The American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) recommends the use of DEET for infants over 2 months of age. Infants under 2 months of age should not use DEET. Children under 2 years of age should not use more than 1 per day. Second-rate. The US Environmental Protection Agency (CDC) recommends Pacaridin for infants over 2 months of age, and the Canadian Academy of Pediatrics recommends it for infants over 6 months of age.

Is the mosquito repellent bracelet and mosquito repellent stick reliable?

A controlled study in the New England Journal and the American Academy of Pediatrics have all confirmed that the mosquito repellent bracelet is useless. Both the mosquito repellent bracelet and the mosquito repellent patch fix certain active ingredients on a certain part of the body, and the whole body effect is not ideal. Data shows that the effective range is only about 4cm.

Source: A treasure

And many mosquito repellent bracelets currently on the market do not have a pesticide registration certificate, and its product safety is difficult to guarantee. In addition, the mosquito repellent ingredients directly contact the skin can easily cause skin allergies, causing rashes such as blisters, itching, pimples and erythema.

Use mosquito repellent products to pay attention to safety issues

1. Special attention should be paid to safety issues during the use of electric mosquito coils. Every summer, improper use of electric mosquito coils will cause fire accidents. There are also children who accidentally drank mosquito-repellent incense liquid, causing convulsions, coma and even death.

2. Before using the mosquito repellent, you need to read the instructions and precautions carefully. Do not apply the products containing pyrethrin on the skin, and do not apply the mosquito repellent to the damaged skin. When using it, avoid the child’s nose, mouth, and eyes, and prevent the child from absorbing mosquito repellent through his mouth, nose, or skin and mucous membranes.

3. When the child returns indoors away from the place where mosquitoes gather, clean the mosquito repellent products on the skin in time.

How do infants and young children usually prevent mosquitoes?

It is not recommended for babies under 1.2 months to use mosquito repellent ;

2. Use physical anti-mosquito methods as much as possible.Install screen windows, mosquito nets, etc. for your baby’s living environment, wear long-sleeved trousers to prevent mosquitoes when you go out;

3. Take your children out in the morning and evening less, and avoid places where there are more mosquitoes such as grass and parks;

4. Pay attention to home cleaning, remove stagnant water, and reduce mosquito breeding;

5. When choosing anti-mosquito products, buy products from regular manufacturers and read the instructions carefully.



[2]https://kidshealth.org/en/parents/ repellent.html



[ 5]Zheng Minglan, Qi Xiaojuan, Wu Chunhua, Wang Guoquan, Lu Dasheng, Chang Xiuli, Zhou Zhijun. Effects of exposure to pyrethroid pesticides on growth and development of infants[J]. Chinese Journal of Child Health Care,2012,20(5):409-412,434.

The first publication of this article: Pediatrics Channel of the Medical Circle

Author: CiCi

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