When should children be exposed? On the subject of popular science knowledge about the body, I will say: "Now" is a body illustration for kindergarten children. Only in this way can we guide them to take good care of themselves.

2024/05/2617:53:32 baby 1482

When should children be exposed to

body science knowledge?"

I would say: "Now"

Summer vacation is coming

Safety education is on the agenda

A body illustration for kindergarten children

Let children understand the body first

In order to Guide them to take good care of themselves

1 Teeth

When should children be exposed? On the subject of popular science knowledge about the body, I will say:

Eat well only if you have healthy teeth

Eat less candies and sweets

Especially not before going to bed at night

Rinse your mouth after eating

Brushing your teeth on time in the morning and evening

can help us prevent tooth decay

2 Tongue

When should children be exposed? On the subject of popular science knowledge about the body, I will say:

There are about 10,000 taste buds on the human tongue

Each taste bud contains

About 100 taste cells

When we eat

The taste cells transmit signals to the brain

so that we can taste the food

3 Saliva

When should children be exposed? On the subject of popular science knowledge about the body, I will say:

Saliva is what we often call saliva

. It can not only clean and protect the oral cavity

but also help the oral cavity digest food

. However, many diseases are transmitted through saliva

. Therefore, spitting everywhere

is a very unhygienic behavior

4 Eyes

When should children be exposed? On the subject of popular science knowledge about the body, I will say:

Eyes are the human body

One of the most important organs

eyes acquire visual information

and transmit it to the brain

like a sophisticated camera

Exercise more and eat more fruits and vegetables

can protect our eyes

5 ears

When should children be exposed? On the subject of popular science knowledge about the body, I will say:

The outer ear is like a small fan

responsible for collection Sound

Sound vibrates the eardrum

Sound waves are transmitted to the brain through hair cells

We hear sounds

Ears also have a self-cleaning function

Frequent ear picking can easily cause hearing loss

6 Skin

When should children be exposed? On the subject of popular science knowledge about the body, I will say:

Children's skin

Defense ability against ultraviolet rays Weak

Skin tanning and sunburn

are easy to occur, so sun protection is very important when going out in the summer.

The skin of the fingers will wrinkle after soaking in water.

This is caused by the water absorption and expansion of the cuticle cells of the skin on the fingers and other parts.

7 Navel

When should children be exposed? On the subject of popular science knowledge about the body, I will say:

When we are still in the mother's belly

there is an umbilical cord growing at the belly button

that connects the fetus to the placenta in the mother's body

to provide the nutrients the fetus needs

and the belly button is where the child is separated from the mother

after the umbilical cord falls off and closes "Scar"

8 Nose

When should children be exposed? On the subject of popular science knowledge about the body, I will say:

The nose can smell a variety of odors

It can also ensure that we can breathe smoothly

But the nasal mucosa is very fragile

Frequent picking of the nose is prone to nosebleeds

If there is secretion in the nose,

it is OK Use paper towels or

other gentle methods to deal with

9 stomach

When should children be exposed? On the subject of popular science knowledge about the body, I will say:

When we are hungry

we often hear the sound of the stomach growling

because the stomach will contract due to hunger

liquid in the stomach and swallowed gas

It will "run around" in the stomach

The result will be a gurgling sound

It's like reminding us that "it's time to eat"

10 hands

When should children be exposed? On the subject of popular science knowledge about the body, I will say:

The length of the fingers is different

The functions they play are also different

The short and thick ones are large The thumb can hold things

The index finger is the most flexible and can move around

The middle finger is the longest and can reach things far away

The ring finger and little finger

can help us hold things

11 feet

When should children be exposed? On the subject of popular science knowledge about the body, I will say:

The little feet have many uses

Walking, standing, Jumping...

It can make us play happily

It can also take us to many places

If someone kicks you

You have to be brave enough to tell him

Little feet are not for kicking people

12 Private parts

When should children be exposed? On the subject of popular science knowledge about the body, I will say:

Covered by swimsuits, vests and shorts A place where others cannot see or touch

If you feel uncomfortable with someone else's touch

or contact

Be brave enough to say "no"

and immediately find a way to "walk away"

Children begin to explore by exploring their own bodies


of the world begins with understanding one's own body

The understanding of the world

begins with loving one's own body

The love of the world begins with

Therefore, help children understand themselves

Understand their own bodies

Only after understanding the body

will children know how to protect the body importance

No matter where they grow up

I hope every child

loves themselves well

The body has many little secrets

Every part has a big role

Let us understand the body together

Learn how to protect the body!

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