As a place full of childlike fun, kindergartens are increasingly using artificial turf. How to manage and maintain artificial turf in kindergartens when there are many children? In fact, management mainly includes the management of tools and the management of artificial turf fiel

2024/05/2609:41:33 baby 1300

 Kindergarten is a place full of children's fun, and artificial turf is used more and more. How to manage and maintain artificial turf in kindergarten when there are many children? In fact, management mainly includes the management of tools and the management of artificial turf in kindergarten. .

 1. Tool Management

 1. Broom

 Try to choose the nylon filament type soft broom that is currently on the market.

 2. Oil mop

Generally choose cotton, linen or cloth mops containing detergent.

 3. The glove box

 is usually placed at the door or next to the rest chair. Each venue usually has a glove box for children to throw mineral water bottles, ball tubes, fruit peels and other sundries.

As a place full of childlike fun, kindergartens are increasingly using artificial turf. How to manage and maintain artificial turf in kindergartens when there are many children? In fact, management mainly includes the management of tools and the management of artificial turf fiel - DayDayNews

Kindergarten artificial turf

  2. Site management

 1. No entry is allowed without approval

Without the approval of the competent department or person in charge, neither units nor individuals are allowed to enter the venue for training or activities.

 2. Wear soft-soled shoes

Children and teachers who enter the venue should wear soft-soled shoes, and the soles should be free of mud, sand and other debris; other staff should wear thick velvet shoe covers when entering the venue temporarily; leather shoes and high heels are prohibited And bring spiked shoes inside.

 3. Keep clean

It is not allowed to splash water, litter, cigarette butts, metal products and pointed objects in the venue. Smoking and spitting are not allowed in the venue.

 4. The use of heavy equipment is prohibited

 It is not allowed to play football or throw heavy equipment on the field. Do not transport or roll hard objects on the floor surface to avoid damage to the floor surface.

  5. Handle and handle equipment with care

Fixed equipment in the venue must not be moved at will. When arranging and tidying up equipment before and after use, be careful to handle it with care, and do not drag equipment on the site. If there is installation and construction in the site, a protective layer should be laid on the floor of the construction site before construction.

As a place full of childlike fun, kindergartens are increasingly using artificial turf. How to manage and maintain artificial turf in kindergartens when there are many children? In fact, management mainly includes the management of tools and the management of artificial turf fiel - DayDayNews

Kindergarten artificial turf

3. Maintenance

The maintenance and maintenance of the site is an important measure to protect the artificial turf floor, which mainly includes waxing, regular mopping and drying.

Generally speaking, kindergarten is basically a place where children can play. Whether it is the management of tools or the management of the venue, it should be as careful and strict as possible. This is not only the protection of children, but also the protection of teachers.

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