Parents who have been mothers know that the best food for their children is breast milk. However, in daily life, there are also many mothers who are unable to provide sufficient breast milk for their children due to various reasons. At this time, you need to use milk powder inste

2024/05/2107:13:33 baby 1618

Parents who have been mothers know that the most suitable food for their children is breast milk. However, in daily life, there are also many mothers who are unable to provide sufficient breast milk for their children due to various reasons. At this time, you need to use milk powder instead. As a result, many milk powder brands came into being. When choosing a milk powder brand, what parents value most is the safety of the milk powder, because after all, the baby's health is the most important.

Parents who have been mothers know that the best food for their children is breast milk. However, in daily life, there are also many mothers who are unable to provide sufficient breast milk for their children due to various reasons. At this time, you need to use milk powder inste - DayDayNews

Baby milk powder is not something you can simply grab a bucket from the mall and give to your baby at different age groups. The trace elements your baby's body needs to absorb are different. How to meet the nutritional requirements of children's development by changing to different milk powders according to different months. Infant milk powder is all ranked in China. The milk powder that babies drink is generally divided into 3-4 rankings. The infant milk powder ranked third among them is not recommended for babies to drink.

htmlChildren aged 00 to 6 months old are suitable to drink the first level of milk powder. Milk powder at this stage pays more attention to the preparation of protein. The main feature is to meet the needs of children's growth and development! Babies aged 6-12 are suitable for stage 2 milk powder. The digestion function of babies at this stage has gradually improved. The content of protein and galactose in milk powder is not as strict as that of milk powder! And at this time, it is gradually necessary to add appropriate complementary foods to children to help them grow stronger.

Parents who have been mothers know that the best food for their children is breast milk. However, in daily life, there are also many mothers who are unable to provide sufficient breast milk for their children due to various reasons. At this time, you need to use milk powder inste - DayDayNews

After the baby turns one year old, I originally planned to give the baby three stages of milk powder, but I consulted a doctor before drinking it. The doctor told me that there is no need to drink the third-stage milk powder. Not only is it expensive, it will also have a certain impact on the baby! Nowadays, many businesses on the market are promoting that formula milk powder should be consumed at least three years old to make babies healthier. In fact, this statement is very one-sided!

At the beginning, my thoughts were the same as those of most parents, because the businessman said so. There must be a reason for eating, and who doesn’t want their baby to be healthier. But only after consulting a doctor. Many authoritative organizations such as the American Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics and the American Academy of Pediatrics have pointed out that children over one year old do not need to drink three-stage formula milk powder at all. Children at this time pay more attention to their eating habits!

Parents who have been mothers know that the best food for their children is breast milk. However, in daily life, there are also many mothers who are unable to provide sufficient breast milk for their children due to various reasons. At this time, you need to use milk powder inste - DayDayNews

Experts told me: "When a child is one year old, the proportion of food types begins to increase, and 'milk' is only part of it. There is no need to let the child drink milk all the time. This will not only fail to meet the child's nutritional needs, but also affect the child. Nutritional requirements, damage the intestinal tract and digestive system! ”

I know a mother who is a foreign milk powder purchaser because she has been engaged in milk powder trading for a long time. I still believe him. When I want to buy three-stage milk powder for my child, I hope this friend will help me continue to buy it. Although the price is very expensive, I can only insist on it for the sake of my children.

Parents who have been mothers know that the best food for their children is breast milk. However, in daily life, there are also many mothers who are unable to provide sufficient breast milk for their children due to various reasons. At this time, you need to use milk powder inste - DayDayNews

But a good friend told me that the three-stage infant milk powder is actually useless, and it is better to let the children drink milk! She told me that I feel that many of the three-stage milk powder currently on the market are not infant formula milk powder. If the child really wants to drink milk powder, it is better to drink the second stage milk powder. Because the nutritional value of the third-stage milk powder is very different from that of the first-stage and second-stage milk powder.

is simply incomparable. Professor Bao Xiulan of Peking Union Medical College also once talked about the problem of three-stage milk powder. She said that if the child is already able to eat complementary foods well, the three-stage milk powder can be completely replaced with pure milk.

The nutritional value that children often need throughout the day is best obtained from their diet. After one year old, the baby's gastrointestinal function is slowly improving. At this time, we parents also need to gradually develop the dietary structure of our children. A normal dietary structure such as three meals a day is more beneficial to the growth and development of children. So many people are wondering, why are three-stage milk powder not recommended, and why are there still manufacturers that produce three-stage milk powder?

Parents who have been mothers know that the best food for their children is breast milk. However, in daily life, there are also many mothers who are unable to provide sufficient breast milk for their children due to various reasons. At this time, you need to use milk powder inste - DayDayNews

In fact, the main significance of the existence of three-stage milk powder is the way for enterprises to obtain profits. Parents all know that a bucket of milk powder will be used up in about a week. A child needs to consume 4 or even 5 barrels of milk powder a month. Milk powder is very expensive. Even if it is cheap, most parents are afraid to buy it. If something goes wrong, no one can take responsibility.

In this case, the child’s milk powder will cost several thousand yuan a month! This is definitely a huge expense for an average family. At the same time, the benefits to enterprises are huge. If the child only eats one or two stages of milk powder, it will only take a year at most, and the business can only make a profit for one year.

However, if the 3, 4, and 5 stages of milk powder are developed, the interests of merchants will be greater! Moreover, the third-stage milk powder is inferior to the first- and second-grade milk powder in terms of nutritional content and execution standards. This also shows that the three-stage milk powder can bring greater profits to merchants!

Parents who have been mothers know that the best food for their children is breast milk. However, in daily life, there are also many mothers who are unable to provide sufficient breast milk for their children due to various reasons. At this time, you need to use milk powder inste - DayDayNews

And generally, some sugar, maltodextrin, and flavors and fragrances are added to the third-stage milk powder to increase the taste of the milk powder and make children prefer drinking this milk powder. And adding these ingredients can "do more harm than good" to children. It is easy for children to become picky eaters. All the money was spent, nutrition could not keep up, and bad habits of picky eating were developed. It's really not necessary!

Parents who have been mothers know that the best food for their children is breast milk. However, in daily life, there are also many mothers who are unable to provide sufficient breast milk for their children due to various reasons. At this time, you need to use milk powder inste - DayDayNews

In fact, after the baby is one year old, eating is no different from that of adults! The main reason is that the child's teeth have not yet developed, so the food needs to be processed into a paste for the child to eat. How should children at this stage eat to be more conducive to their growth? In fact, parents only need to pay attention to the following points!

Meat and Vegetarian Combinations

The protein and nutrients contained in meat are very important for children. When making complementary food for children, be sure to add an appropriate amount of meat. If you only give your children noodles and rice, they will easily gain weight. Vegetables cannot be ignored, so a combination of meat and vegetables is a healthy and reasonable diet!

Less oil and less salt

Consumption of large amounts of oil and salt may lead to obesity. When cooking for children, strictly control the intake of salt and oil. Especially for children at this stage, meals must be light!

Don’t eat leftovers

After being heated many times, almost all the nutrients contained in leftovers have been lost. And it can also breed some bacteria that are not conducive to the growth of children. Therefore, the food your children eat must be fresh. Mothers can control the amount when cooking. One meal is enough for their children, so there is no need to cook too much!

Parents who have been mothers know that the best food for their children is breast milk. However, in daily life, there are also many mothers who are unable to provide sufficient breast milk for their children due to various reasons. At this time, you need to use milk powder inste - DayDayNews

For children, good eating habits are much more important than eating milk powder. When a child is one year old, there will be great nutritional needs due to physical development. These nutrients cannot be obtained from milk powder. So eating three normal meals a day is the best way. There are also some parents who are lazy and think formula milk is convenient.

insists on giving children 3 or even 4 or 5 capsules of milk powder. Such a diet is really not good for children. It will also seriously affect the development of children's gastrointestinal function. What parents should do is to work hard to adjust their baby's eating habits so that they can eat complementary foods as soon as possible to achieve nutritional balance! Grow up healthily and happily.

Parents who have been mothers know that the best food for their children is breast milk. However, in daily life, there are also many mothers who are unable to provide sufficient breast milk for their children due to various reasons. At this time, you need to use milk powder inste - DayDayNews


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