Family is a child's first school. Parents are their children's first teachers. Parents are also their children’s first books. The famous poet Dorothy Law Nolty wrote in "Children are Parents' Mirrors": If children live in sharing, they will learn to be generous;

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Family is a child's first school. Parents are their children's first teachers. Parents are also their children’s first books. The famous poet Dorothy Law Nolty wrote in

Family is a child's first school.

Parents are their children's first teachers.

Parents are also the first books for their children.

Family is a child's first school. Parents are their children's first teachers. Parents are also their children’s first books. The famous poet Dorothy Law Nolty wrote in

Sneaks into the night with the wind, moistening things silently. Children's ability to learn and imitate is very strong. Children are influenced by their parents' words and deeds every day, and their influence on their growth is also subtle.

Family is a child's first school. Parents are their children's first teachers. Parents are also their children’s first books. The famous poet Dorothy Law Nolty wrote in

The famous poet Dorothy Law Nolty wrote in "Children are Parents' Mirrors":

If children live in sharing, they will learn generosity;

If children live in honesty, they will learn integrity;

If children are treated fairly, they will learn justice;

If children are cared for and considerate, they will learn respect;

Children's future is hidden in the words and deeds of their parents.

Suhomlinsky also said: Every moment you see your children, you also see yourself. When you educate your children, you are also educating yourself and testing your own personality.

Many parents talk to their children every day and set rules, but they ignore that "teaching by words and deeds plus teaching by environment and mind" is the best way to open up education and lead the growth of their children silently.

Family is a child's first school. Parents are their children's first teachers. Parents are also their children’s first books. The famous poet Dorothy Law Nolty wrote in

Teaching by words

Whether it is teaching by words or teaching by words, it is preaching. Since ancient times, truths are annoying, but stories are the only ones that win people's hearts. Put the truth into the story, and the effect will be completely different.

Whenever you encounter a child making a mistake, take a deep breath and say three times silently to your child, or choose to stay away temporarily. Your emotions will naturally calm down and reason will emerge spontaneously.

As a parent, you have to win over your children, not win over them. If you think more from the child's perspective, you can understand him better.

Education is a practice of loving and being loved!

Family is a child's first school. Parents are their children's first teachers. Parents are also their children’s first books. The famous poet Dorothy Law Nolty wrote in

Teaching by example

Teaching by example means not only talking, but also doing.

Confucius said: If one's body is upright, he will not do what he is told; if his body is not right, he will not do what he is told.

asks children to do whatever they want first. If the children see it in their eyes and remember it in their hearts, they will naturally learn to do it.

What kind of person do you want your children to be? Parents must first be that kind of person and be their children's role models first!

The parent is the original and the child is the copy. The originals are blurry, why do you require the copies to be clear?

If parents study hard, their children will make progress every day.

Family is a child's first school. Parents are their children's first teachers. Parents are also their children’s first books. The famous poet Dorothy Law Nolty wrote in

Family is a child's first school. Parents are their children's first teachers. Parents are also their children’s first books. The famous poet Dorothy Law Nolty wrote in


It is said that the heart changes with the environment, and the story of Meng’s mother moving three times has long become a textbook for Jingjiao.

For those of you who have watched " We Three ", are you still impressed by the photos of Qian Zhongshu and 's family of three working and studying at their desks at home? This home is filled with a strong scholarly atmosphere. If you were in it, wouldn't it leave a little lingering fragrance?

Family is a child's first school. Parents are their children's first teachers. Parents are also their children’s first books. The famous poet Dorothy Law Nolty wrote in

Family is a child's first school. Parents are their children's first teachers. Parents are also their children’s first books. The famous poet Dorothy Law Nolty wrote in


Lin Zexu once said a thought-provoking saying: If my descendants are like me and do nothing with their money, if they are wise and rich, they will lose their aspirations; .

"Sima Guang's Family Instructions" says: If you accumulate money and leave it to your descendants, your descendants may not keep it; if you accumulate books and leave your descendants, your descendants may not read it; if you accumulate negative virtues in the dark, your descendants may not be able to read it!

Socrates also said: The true meaning of education is not indoctrination but ignition. Ten thousand indoctrination is not as good as one true awakening.

Heart teaching is to plant the seeds of a big tree in the children's hearts, light up a heart lamp for the children's lives, awaken and illuminate their lives.

Family is a child's first school. Parents are their children's first teachers. Parents are also their children’s first books. The famous poet Dorothy Law Nolty wrote in

Family is a child's first school. Parents are their children's first teachers. Parents are also their children’s first books. The famous poet Dorothy Law Nolty wrote in

The so-called family education is actually the growth of parents and children together.

The best way to educate children is to make yourself better, become a role model for your children, and let your children stand on your shoulders and see the wider world.

Family is a child's first school. Parents are their children's first teachers. Parents are also their children’s first books. The famous poet Dorothy Law Nolty wrote in

Attached is the " Parental Rules ". Take it out and read it when you encounter confusion in your children's education.

Family is a child's first school. Parents are their children's first teachers. Parents are also their children’s first books. The famous poet Dorothy Law Nolty wrote in

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