"A year's plan begins in spring, a day's plan begins in the morning." I believe everyone is familiar with this saying. It can be said that it runs from elementary school to work. Spring is the time when all things grow, and it is also a critical period for children to grow up. Mo

2024/05/0416:20:33 baby 1255

"A year's plan begins in spring, a day's plan begins in the morning." I believe everyone is familiar with this saying. It can be said that it runs from elementary school to work. Spring is the time when all things grow, and it is also a critical period for children to grow up. Morning is a new beginning, and the first meal in the morning also determines the status of the whole day.

As sleep time is postponed, many parents omit the morning part. When they wake up naturally, they have breakfast and lunch together. This is a very unhealthy lifestyle. Whether you are an adult or a child, breakfast is very important and should be paid attention to. Eat a good breakfast and you will have no worries throughout the day.

Many parents believe that their children’s breakfast can be dealt with once, mainly lunch and dinner. In fact, the most important of three meals a day is breakfast, which can improve children's immunity , reduce diseases, and even determine the growth and development of children. Here are several nutritious breakfasts recommended to parents, so hurry up and arrange them for your children at home!

, Purple Sweet Potato Peanut Soy Milk

Say goodbye to the traditional breakfast soy milk and fried dough sticks, and come to a cup of Purple Sweet Potato Peanut Soy Milk to replenish energy for the whole day! Purple sweet potato has great effects, including preventing and fighting cancer, aiding digestion, enhancing immunity, etc.

Prepare ingredients: purple sweet potato, peanuts, beans, water, appropriate amount of white sugar

Step 1: Wash the beans, peanuts and purple sweet potato, peel the purple sweet potato and peanuts

Step 2: Put the purple sweet potato into the pot and steam for half an hour To the extent that chopsticks can penetrate it

Step 3: Add the steamed purple sweet potato, peanuts and soybeans and pour them all into the soymilk machine for half an hour. A cup of hot purple sweet potato and peanut soymilk will be ready! Sugar content can be added according to personal preference.

, Spinach Omelette

Spinach Omelette is the nutritional champion in the breakfast world! The most important things in spinach omelette are spinach and eggs. These two have nutritional value in life, and are nutritious and healthy.

Prepare ingredients: flour, eggs, spinach, oil, salt

Step 1: Add water to a little flour, then add eggs, gently knead with hands to shape, put in a clean bowl to wake up.

Step 2: Pour the spinach in water and put it into the risen dough.

Step 3: Heat the oil in a pan, put the dough into the oil pan and stir-fry for a few minutes.

suggestion: If you don’t like oil, you can heat it in the microwave.

It is well known that spinach contains rich vitamins and , high dietary fiber, which can aid digestion. Spinach also has a "hidden function" to enhance appetite! Many children have no appetite for breakfast, and spinach can cleverly solve this problem.

Eggs are rich in protein. It can be said that eggs are added to everything! Of course, the combination of spinach and eggs can be said to be a powerful combination, has super high nutritional value !

. Avocado and egg sandwich

Sandwich is a very common breakfast variety. Many parents think that a sandwich is toast and salad. This is the breakfast with the least nutritional value. It can be said that eating it is equivalent to not eating it. Add avocado and eggs to toast to double the nutritional value! No longer a simple sandwich, but a sandwich that is endowed with nutrition.

Prepare ingredients : avocado, eggs, toast, salad

Step 1: Slice the avocado, fry the eggs, and cut the toast in half.

Step 2: Add sliced ​​avocado and fried eggs on one piece of toast, squeeze on the salad dressing, and add another piece of toast.

Step 3: Put in the oven and heat for one minute for better taste!

Avocado contains a lot of energy and is suitable for breakfast to supplement nutrition. Eggs are very rich in protein and minerals. Their combination is very beneficial to the body, and eating them together promotes metabolism.

Parents are worried about what to do if their children don’t grow taller. You might as well try an avocado and egg sandwich with a cup of hot milk. The children’s height will grow as their energy increases, so parents don’t have to worry!

. Milk cereal

When it comes to , the most convenient and nutritious breakfast milk cereal must have a name! It is not suitable to eat cold food for breakfast. In the morning, the stomach has just woken up. After heating the milk, add appropriate cereals. Many parents will buy finished oat milk from supermarkets, which is industrially packaged and loses nutrients.

Prepare ingredients : milk, oatmeal

Steps: Heat the milk, add an appropriate amount of oatmeal and it is ready to eat

. Shredded carrot pie

Shredded carrot pie is also called " lazy pie", especially suitable for working mothers. , easy to make and easy to carry. And carrots are rich in nutritional value, which can supplement the vitamins that children need, and can also effectively prevent night blindness and other symptoms.

Prepare the ingredients : carrots, flour, oil, salt, light soy sauce, pepper, oil, eggs

Step 1: Wash the ingredients, shred the carrots, add a little light soy sauce, oyster sauce, and salt and mix well

Step 2 : Add the flour to water, add a little pepper and knead evenly. Let the dough rest for half an hour.

Step 3: Heat the oil in a pan. After the oil is hot, stir-fry the carrot shreds and add the rested dough. Use a spatula to press it. Remove from the pan until golden brown.

Many children don’t like to eat vegetables. This novel way of eating can easily make children fall in love with eating carrots and promote gastrointestinal motility, which is excellent for children’s health.

, Chinese yam and wolfberry porridge

As you can tell by its name, this breakfast is nutritious and healthy. Children like to eat cold food in summer, which will affect the spleen and stomach and easily reduce appetite. Chinese yam and wolfberry porridge can strengthen the spleen and nourish the stomach, and is good-quality. It is cheap and can be eaten by adults and children together. The light and delicious breakfast can start a good day.

Prepare ingredients: yam, wolfberry, glutinous rice, rice, salt, water

Step 1: Wash the yam and slice it, wash the wolfberry, rice and glutinous rice and soak in water

Step 2: Put the rice and glutinous rice into the rice cooker and add Add an appropriate amount of water, add a little salt to the yam and wolfberry, and then turn on the porridge mode. After the mode ends, you will have a steaming bowl of nutritious and healthy yam and wolfberry health porridge!

These six breakfasts are nutritious and healthy. Which one do you prefer? Go back and make it for the children at home~

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