There is no grass in the world that cannot be used as medicine; there is no pain that cannot be cured; there is no separation that cannot be brought back to life; and there are no worries that cannot be transformed into wisdom. If so, please don’t blame yourself, it’s because the

There is no grass in the world that cannot be used as medicine; there is no pain that cannot be cured; there is no separation that cannot be brought back to life; and there are no worries that cannot be transformed into wisdom.

If so, please don’t blame yourself, it’s because the pain is not deep enough.

When I wrote this sentence, my heart was actually afraid. I still hope that the good people in the world will suffer less harm, and it would be great to be treated kindly by such a few important people.

If some people who are harmless to society are framed and trampled by some false and ugly people, the pain will be unbearable.

If such an unfortunate thing happens to you, you must know how to transform it.

There is such a story: Manjusri Bodhisattva was preaching wisdom to the public in a green grassland. At the beginning of the speech, he asked the good boy to pick a grass that could not be used as medicine.

The good boy walked around the grassland three times and told Manjusri that he had searched everywhere but found herbs that were not medicinal.

Manjusri picked a small grass from his feet, held it and showed it to everyone: "There is no grass in the world that is not medicinal, and there is no grass in the world that is not medicinal! There is no grass in the world that is not medicinal!"

Manjusri is the most wise Bodhisattva. Then he talked about the great thought: There is no grass in the world that cannot be used as medicine. If there is, its value has not been discovered yet.

Similarly, there is no trouble in the world that cannot be transformed into wisdom. If there is trouble that is useless, then it has not been transformed.

You will suffer the wind of fate when it comes. Only after suffering enough can you learn from it and re-recognize yourself and everything in the world.

and then refined a new understanding, a journey in the world is really painful, so why suffer in vain without feeling or understanding. You must believe: Those who cannot kill you will make you stronger.

Troubles that have not been transformed and improved can only be called "karma". What has been transformed and improved is your "realm".

I read in a book about a British practitioner named Rob. Through personal experience and profound practice and summary, he called a certain symbolic transformation process of a person's life "crossing the wasteland".

He believes that this kind of crossing has five stages. The first stage is, fall. Represents inner fears, insecurities, doubts, attacks, self-demanding and self-destructive emotions.

It's like wandering in the wilderness of pain and isolation, and then entering the second stage, collapse. The fragmentation of the sense of self caused by pain breaks some rigid external constraints and packages.

also hides the possibility of transformation and liberation. Then we begin to face the third stage, the truth.

The painful night of the soul is a challenge, and faith is tested at this moment, thus reaching the fourth stage of surrender.

If you can truly open yourself up, you will discover a depth of wisdom you have never known or experienced before, and finally reach the fifth stage of rebirth.

It is not difficult to imagine what kind of hardships such people have to go through. As the saying goes: only by exploring the depth of pain, surrendering, and transforming can you finally achieve true liberation.

I hope we will never have such an experience in our lives and just be simple and happy fools.

Life is really not easy, so let us learn from the grass. Under the sunshine, they are happy, dancing in the swing, and proudly holding on in the blizzard.

Look at the silence of the grass, and look forward to meeting Manjusri or Shennong one day. Eight thousand fine lines, waiting for us to perceive, understand and sublimate!

Thank you for reading. I hope that no matter how big the troubles you encounter in life, you can use a soft heart to transform them into your own wisdom and strength. Thanks!