In the early morning, a ray of orange sunshine shines into the house through the window, and the beautiful songs of birds can also be heard outside the window. Rub your sleepy eyes, stretch and cheer up to dispel the sleepiness of the whole night, and welcome another beautiful da

2024/07/0310:09:32 article 1455

In the early morning, a ray of orange sunshine shines into the house through the window, and the beautiful songs of birds are also heard outside the window. I rub my sleepy eyes, stretch and cheer up to dispel the sleepiness of the whole night, and welcome another beautiful day with joy. one day.
tidied up his clothes, washed up, finished a hearty breakfast, and then set off to the market.

As soon as I walked out of the door, I saw the white and cute clouds in the blue sky. Some clouds were in the shape of lollipops, some were in the shape of puppies, and some were in the shape of fairies. The clouds have different shapes. , showing off its charm. A group of three or five people were walking on the road, laughing and laughing with each other. Just looking at them from a distance made them extremely happy. Everyone stepped aside and walked in an orderly manner, and a truck roared past. Even the gust of wind brought by the passing truck seemed like a cheerful song, giving people a brisk joy. After a while, they collectively walked to the hospital where nucleic acid tests were conducted. After everyone completed the nucleic acid tests, they went separately to buy items in the market. As we approached the market, we heard the voices of customers bargaining with merchants and the joyful voices walking in the market. The cheerful atmosphere hit everyone, and everyone became happier and accelerated their pace. There is a dazzling array of products in the market, which makes everyone dizzy and confused, and they don’t know which one to buy first.

The green little apples look full of vitality and vitality; the fragrance of red peaches also floats around everyone, smelling sweet and refreshing; the purple eggplant reminds people of braised eggplant when they see it, which makes people unable to help themselves. Drooling. Under the temptation of the delicious food, everyone finished the shopping in a short period of time, and the purchased items were rich in variety. I saw everyone walking towards the gathering place with large and small bags. After the gathering, everyone rushed back home together with laughter and laughter to prepare a sumptuous lunch.

In the early morning, a ray of orange sunshine shines into the house through the window, and the beautiful songs of birds can also be heard outside the window. Rub your sleepy eyes, stretch and cheer up to dispel the sleepiness of the whole night, and welcome another beautiful da - DayDayNews

After returning, everyone washed the vegetables and helped cook. I believe this meal must be the most delicious. It contains the fruits of everyone’s labor, which is valuable, meaningful, and unforgettable.

This experience is also a special way for Xingxingbaby to integrate with society. It allows Xingxingbaby to feel the lively market atmosphere, become more curious about this society, slowly open up his heart, accept society and enter society. "Stars always shine." This world is also bright, full of beauty and warmth. Stars and this world are one.

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