In life, you should never talk about "what if I had..." as an excuse for failure... You have seen the childhood of stumbling and laughing with a basketball, and you have also seen the stumbling old age; you have seen the gentle and elegant youth. , I have also seen gentle and ele

In life, you should never talk about "what if I had..." as an excuse for failure...

You have seen the childhood of stumbling and laughing with a basketball, and you have also seen the stumbling old age; you have seen the gentle and polite Young people have also seen gentle and elegant old people... Time is not a barrier that prevents you from changing, only thoughts can restrain your changes. You regret that you didn't study hard when you were a student. Only when you entered society did you realize that it was very difficult. You are careless and ignore your companions around you, but you are still full of enthusiasm for learning at any time. The detail of a successful person is that as long as you want, you will always be the starting point, regardless of your age.

At the age of eighteen, you are a young man with dreams and longing for the future, but you missed the flight of youth because of your playfulness. At the age of twenty-four, you are a young man who has entered society. You are intoxicated with the feasting and feasting of society, do not understand the difficulties of life, and drink and talk without restraint. At the age of twenty-eight, you have attended many wedding banquets, toasted your friends and wished them happiness. In the silent night, I deeply feel the dissatisfaction of life. So you made a bold statement: You must work hard and show your life to others, and the time is set for tomorrow. In the early morning of sunrise, a ray of sunshine hits your face. You are full of enthusiasm and are ready to start being a positive young man: morning jogging, working overtime, reading literature... As the sun sets, the day's tiredness is over, and you want to relax and make an appointment. Three or five friends toasted and chatted. When Lingding got drunk, he forgot his vows and continued to be confused by the feasting night. Another ten years have passed in a blink of an eye, and you have become a middle-aged man in his forties: your wife's dissatisfaction, your children's complaints, your parents' worries, your life is still full of sadness...

Looking back, the whole journey was boring. Nothing to say about success. Even if you are forty, you can still choose tomorrow. You are in an abyss, and every step you take is always an upward climb. The vows made at the age of eighteen can be picked up and fulfilled at the age of forty. Never believe what others say: You have passed the good times, and striving for stability is your current wish. We must understand that there is no age limit for learning and hard work, and the only barrier is the heart. Forget everything that has happened in the past, and vent all your unwillingness, cheer up, and make bold promises, starting tomorrow...

Set sail at sunrise, don't regret it at sunset...

Dedicated to every confused and melancholy friend ...