1. Make yourself better while you are alone, not only to be responsible for yourself, but also to give a good explanation to the person in the future. Good morning! 2. If you don’t know what you want to do, do the things around you first; if you don’t know where you can go, take

. To improve yourself while you are alone is not only responsible for yourself, but also a good explanation for the person in the future. Good morning!

. If you don’t know what you want to do, do the things around you first; if you don’t know where you can go, take the current path first; if you don’t know who you will meet, learn to be kind to the people around you first; In the fog, you may only be able to see the five meters in front of you, but as you walk down these five meters step by step, the fog will slowly dissipate. Waiting and procrastinating will only take away your motivation. Good morning!

. People save and save all their lives. No matter how hard they dig, they still don’t save enough money. They endure, give in, and be afraid all their lives. No matter how careful they are, they still offend a lot of people. They read all their lives. As I write and realize, no matter how smart I am, I will still suffer from losses; I have been awakening, maturing, and growing my whole life, and no matter how calm I am, I still have regrets. Good morning!

. No matter how bad things happen today, you should not feel sad. Our life is not long, so we must forgive everyone and everything before going to bed every night. Good morning!

. Life is like this. We should all fall and stand up at a wanton age, fall in love and kiss goodbye at an emotional age, struggle and work hard at a downtrodden age, and learn to be silent and give up at a mature age. Deal with life happily, then clean up the wounds and continue on the road. This is a truth that each of us should know how to learn. Good morning!

. When people are alive, there is no need to understand everything. If the water is clear, there will be no fish, and if the people are clear, there will be no friends. Compete with your family, and if you lose, the family relationship is gone; compete with your lover, and if you lose, the relationship fades; compete with friends, and if you lose, the friendship is gone. What we fight is reason, what we lose is love, and what we hurt is ourselves. Black is black, white is white, let time prove it. Let go of your own stubbornness, be open-minded, and be willing to do things, and you will win the whole life. Good morning!

. Everyone has their own way of living. There is no need for us to envy other people's lives. Some people appear beautiful on the surface, but secretly shed countless tears; some people may appear to be living in embarrassment, but in fact they may live a carefree and happy life. There is no standard answer to happiness, and there is more than one path to happiness. Stop looking at others with envy and look at your own heart. The day you like is the most beautiful day; the way of living that suits you is the best way of living. Good morning!

. Smile is like a band-aid . Although it covers the wound, the pain is still there. I am a person who smiles a lot, but I am not a person who is always happy. Good morning!

9. Beautiful, in the days of deep love, who can tell clearly what is sweet and what is bitter. All I know is that once you’re sure, there’s no turning back. If you want to lose, lose to pursuit; if you want to marry, marry to happiness. Good morning!

0. No one can really do whatever they want in the world. If you are really forced to do something you don’t want to do, you might as well do it happily and do it seriously. You have already lost the choice, so why lose your mood again. Good morning!

1. The heart is a person’s wings. How big the heart is, how big the world is. Many times what limits people is not the environment or the words and deeds of others, but themselves. Good morning!

2. Not every effort will be rewarded, but every effort must be made to gain. This is an unfair and irreversible proposition. Good morning!

3. ️️Don’t hide from things you don’t know and things you find difficult. Understand it first, then master it, and you will be better than others. Because most people are unwilling to put in the effort to study and will automatically be eliminated, so your persistent efforts will take advantage of it.

4. The running of life does not depend on the sudden burst, but on the persistence along the way. As long as you work hard, wherever you dream you can reach, you will reach there one day.Good morning

5 Just do what you decide. Don’t think too much. Living a fulfilling life is the most important thing. Work hard to be yourself.