No matter where a person is, he lives in any environment, no matter whether his life is bitter or sweet, no matter how many twists and turns he encounters. As long as you have a neither humble nor arrogant mentality to face everything. Then this kind of person truly has great wis

A person, no matter where he is, lives in any environment, no matter whether his life is bitter or sweet, no matter how many twists and turns he encounters.

As long as you have a neither humble nor arrogant attitude to face everything.

Only people like this truly have great wisdom in life.

is neither humble nor arrogant. As the name suggests, when doing anything and facing anyone, he is neither humble nor arrogant. He treats others with a decent attitude and just the right amount of proportion.

is neither humble nor arrogant, just calm and calm, looking at everything with a normal mind.

Don’t be happy with things, don’t be sad with yourself, don’t envy anyone, and don’t complain or blame yourself.

Don't praise those who are high, don't step on those who are low, be fair and just, don't bully those above, and don't lie to those below. There is no distinction between high and low, no distinction between rich and poor.

Being neither humble nor arrogant is a kind of cultivation, a noble personality charm, self-confidence and strength.

is neither humble nor arrogant. He is low-key and humble, calm in situations, neither arrogant nor impetuous and indifferent to the world.

Neither humble nor arrogant, just like the pines and cypresses in the mountains, they do not gather together even when the storm comes, and they still stand strong despite the hail and typhoons.

It is silent when the wind comes, it is silent when the rain comes, it does not tremble when the flash flood breaks out.

Neither humble nor arrogant, just like wintersweet, it is not afraid of hail and snowstorms, and still exudes its unique fragrance in the cold wind and snow.

is neither humble nor arrogant, strong but gentle, gentle yet steely, kind yet beautiful.

When it is gentle, it is like a gurgling stream that is lingering and tender.

is neither humble nor arrogant, and it does not show off its arrogance even when it is standing on a high peak; its infinite charm and strength are still blooming in the dry pond.

In good times, he is calm and calm. In adversity, he is not impatient and calm, as calm as water.

This is true beauty with a unique style that is neither humble nor arrogant.

If someone can truly be neither humble nor arrogant, this is the highest realm and the greatest pattern of life.