Hibiscus is truly a queen among summer flowers. It not only has a long flowering period and bright colors, but also takes the lead among summer flowers with its countless flowers and overflowing fragrance. In a spring, hundreds of flowers are blooming, apricots are blooming, pear

Hibiscus is truly a queen among summer flowers. It not only has a long flowering period and bright colors, but also takes the lead among summer flowers with its countless flowers and overflowing fragrance.

In spring, hundreds of flowers are blooming, apricots and pear trees are raining, and peaches are blooming charmingly. After you sing, I will appear on stage, which is dazzling. But in the summer, there are not many flowers and trees for people to watch. First, the humble sycamore flutters its stamens lightly, expressing the delicate rhythm of early summer, while the hibiscus accompanying it has its first blooming leaves, not slow or slow, He seemed calm and relaxed.

Whenever I walk under the hibiscus tree, I always look up at the green leafy branches to see the progress of its flower buds. When I passed by that morning, I happened to see one or two flowers blooming on the branches, and I felt happy: it was about to bloom.

After a busy day, I walked to the window in the evening and looked around. I couldn't help but open my eyes wide. Oh my god, in one day, the tall hibiscus crown was filled with brilliant pink flowers!

I felt a burst of ecstasy in my heart, surprised that the vitality of nature is so strong and so magical!

Hibiscus tree, its correct name is Albizia Julibrissin tree , Hibiscus is its other name. The Albizia julibrissin tree has relatively arranged pinnate leaves similar to mimosa and is sensitive to light and heat. Every sunset. The pairs of pinnately compound leaves slowly close up, and then gradually unfold again the next morning, so it is also called the night tree.

The cells at the base of the Albizia julibrissin leaf's stem function like a water storage bag. During the day, when the sun is strong and the temperature rises, it begins to absorb enough water, the cells swell, and the leaves stretch out; in the evening and night, when the sunlight and temperature are insufficient, The cells release water, gradually shrink, and the leaves close.

This kind of plant with animal emotions has been given a beautiful image by people. Because its leaves join in pairs at night like a happy couple, they gave it a meaningful name like Albizia Julibrissin.

Albizia Julibrissin tree is a tree as beautiful as a soul. Its leaves unfold in the morning and close in the evening. Its flowers are like pink fans and blooming fireworks. In this lush green summer, she brings a touch of surprise to people like a young girl in bloom. Whether it is in the courtyard or the street, whether on the roadside or on the street corner, it has its graceful and upright figure.

Its pink stamens stretch out long, like balls of velvet, and like the red tassel worn on a horse's head. The flowers exude a rich fragrance, which becomes even more fragrant when the night gets darker. At rest.

Whenever the moon rises in the east and the night is quiet, sit alone in the pavilion and listen quietly to the sound of the night wind blowing the flowers and leaves. Your heart will be so quiet. Smelling the fragrance of flowers in the night wind, you will be moved by life. Everything given to you.

The hibiscus flowers are blooming, shining like clouds.

Whenever I look out the window, the clouds will come into view. A tree of hibiscus flowers always creates beautiful ripples in my heart.

My eyes are like two flexible shutters, and my heart is like a deep film. Beautiful moments will always be stored silently on the film of my heart, just like our beautiful life and true friends, they will always be treasured in our chests. between.