1. The highest form of showing off is what you have refused in your life. Hidden in the things you can refuse are your character of not following the crowd and the unknown pride deep in your heart. 2. If you have a firm grasp and a thorough understanding, everything will be accom

1. The highest level of showing off is what you have refused in your life. Hidden in the things you can refuse are your character of not following the crowd and the unknown pride deep in your heart.

2. If you have a firm grasp and a thorough understanding, everything will be accomplished. If you have not obtained the truth for ten years, you will have no ambition for ten years. If you have not obtained it for the rest of your life, you will have no ambition for the rest of your life.

3. The essence of original intention: Even though I have seen a lot of complexity and darkness, I still disdain to be that kind of person. I always have kind thoughts and a clear mind. May you and me stretch like a picture and bloom like a flower.

4. The bird that has been standing on the tree is never afraid of the branches breaking, because it believes not in the branches, but in its own wings. There are no miracles in this world, only its own efforts and the courage to persevere.

5.Are you about to lose your hold? Let me tell you: Coca-Cola only sold 25 bottles in the first year.

6. Someone can get up in the morning when you can't get up. Someone can bear the hardships that you can't bear. Someone has to win. Why can't it be you? I know it has been difficult for you to reach this point. If you start working hard now, the worst-case scenario is that you will be a late bloomer. What are you afraid of? This is the first time for everyone, and you can also be excellent.

7. If you don’t take the time to create the life you want, you will be forced to spend a lot of time dealing with the life you don’t want. On the road to success, no one will wake you up, and no one will do anything for you. You pay the bill, and you need self-management, self-discipline, and self-breakthrough.

8. Distance is not the problem, meeting each other halfway is the key.

9. Please believe: What grows in the dark will eventually spread its fragrance.

10. The energy of youth runs through the rainbow, bravery overwhelms cowardice, and enterprising overwhelms peace.

11. Times are changing, and so are the faces of young people, but the goals of patriotism and pursuit of progress will never change, the background of the red gene will never change, and the spirit of always striving to be at the forefront of the times will never change.

12. The mountains are high and the rivers are long, no matter what you are afraid of, you will not be able to make it in time, and what you will panic is that you will not be able to reach it. God will let it take its course, the earth will take its course, and people will let it change. Everything will be just right.

13. Life is for yourself. How good you are will determine how much the world will give you.

14. There is no end to pursuit, and it is never too late to start in life. As long as you listen to the call of your heart and have the courage to take the first step, the scenery of life will always be novel and wonderful.

15. Life is not like this. You must go through many tests before you can grow. Life is not like this. Even if it rains, snows, and haze, you have to pursue the sunshine.

16. Art is the mirror image of life, and life gives art the inspiration and power to recreate.

17. Due to the timing of the weather, the benefits of the place, and the harmony of people, it requires not only strategic design from a high perspective, but also hands-on work that is deeply involved.

18. I still dare to contradict life, dare to run wild in adversity, face the sewage of life, and will always be happy to cheer for a new moon and sunset.

19. Love is the deepest and most lasting power in a person's heart. It is not a fleeting thought on a whim, nor will it be fleeting because of the change of the year. On the contrary, after going through the test and baptism of time, people can still draw nourishment from it, face difficulties without giving up, stand up bravely after falling, and start again with renewed energy.

20. Life cannot be ignored. There must be someone who dares to choose the most difficult path, and there must be someone who puts life before interests.

(the above materials are compiled from the Internet/deleted by infringement)

Neng Neng: May life be bright and lovely