Listening to the downpour outside the window, it is beating violently and mercilessly on the windowsill, day and night! When I opened the window, the wind mixed with rain blew into my bedroom. The natural air conditioner immediately drove away the stuffy heat around me. I felt co

Listening to the downpour outside the window, it is beating violently and mercilessly on the windowsill, day and night! When I opened the window, the wind mixed with rain blew into my bedroom. The natural air conditioner immediately drove away the stuffy heat around me. I felt cool and became energetic immediately!

Sitting on the windowsill, blowing the wind and admiring the rainy scenery, it has a unique mood. At this moment, I am living the way I want! I think, if time can stand still, then I would like to freeze at this moment!

picked up the phone, opened today's headlines, and wanted to write down the beauty in my heart at this moment, but I had no choice but to use up all my talents. I had nowhere to write and no thoughts, so I could only put down the idea of ​​writing temporarily!

Whether it is accidental or fate, I saw such a sentence in the short video, which made me fall into a quagmire of thought. I don’t know who said it, and I am willing to encourage everyone!

"If your head is right, why don't your pockets have what you want". Yes, I woke up from a dream. It turns out that I have been living in a wrong understanding. It makes sense to be poor!

The limitations of my cognition have left me with no big picture. I have lost the ability to understand the essence of things and live in my own world, unable to extricate myself. Looking back at myself, it has been how many years since I read a book seriously, how many years since I wrote, how many years ago I have completely forgotten my major, and how many years since I went out to walk around and see the world.

is troubled by trivial matters every day, busy parents are short-lived, and the one who thinks he is smart is actually the biggest fool. Money cannot mark a person's success, but success must have money!

Different cognitions, different patterns, different environments, different cultural heritage, different experiences, different family environments, etc., have created different you and me. The saddest thing for people is to live in themselves and be unable to extricate themselves. Only by breaking free from the current constraints can we have a better self!

Whenever we have what we want in our pocket, then we must be right! I wish you and I both have a wonderful tomorrow! !