As the saying goes: A man is poor but his ambition is short, and a horse is skinny but has long hair. It means that when people are in a desperate situation, they only look at the problems in front of them and have no lofty ambitions. If a horse has long hair all over its body, i

As the saying goes: A poor man has short ambition, while a horse is thin and has long hair.

means that when people are in a desperate situation, they only look at the problems in front of them and have no lofty ambitions. If a horse has long hair all over its body, it will be very thin and will not have enough to eat, let alone someone to groom it.

There is a certain truth to the ancient people’s summary. They summarized it through common phenomena, but it is not very accurate now. For example, some people like to pretend to be poor and cry about being poor. Some people like to feed horses until they are fat without taking care of them. In fact, many philosophies are summarized through relatively common phenomena and are not widely representative, so they are easily overturned and cannot be called truth.

Let’s talk about why most of the time people are poor and have short ambitions. It's because most people's needs are divided into levels. From low to high they are:

1. Survival needs. Only after meeting the basic needs of food, clothing, housing and transportation can one have the mood and ability to pursue higher needs.

2. Security needs. Whether it is humans or other creatures, safety needs are instinctive reactions. If the safety of oneself and the environment cannot be guaranteed, there will not be enough energy to do other things. Human safety needs also include personal safety, environmental safety and psychological safety. . Psychological safety is also what people are most concerned about. Some people often feel anxious, fearful (including social phobia) and nervous due to people or things. Some have insomnia, forgetfulness, and more serious cases are depressed.

3. The need for social relationships. Including family, friendship and love, respect. The need for social relationships constitutes people's emotional and moral categories. People want to be accepted and recognized by others, and worry about being denied and excluded. Some people are troubled by relationships with colleagues, classmates, friends, marriages, and family members. Good social relationships are the most important indicator of happiness index.

4. The sense of accomplishment of self-realization. This is the highest level of need, which reflects a person's ideals and desires and the ability to create economic and social value. It also includes some things that he thinks are ordinary things. For example, a student likes to help other students solve complex problems, so that he can get the joy and sense of accomplishment from helping others.

This article uses the hierarchy of needs to briefly introduce why people at different stages and periods have different needs, different moods and feelings, and different states. Therefore, when you or others are in a bad mood, you can feel the current state and environment, because needs can change at any time due to external influences.

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