We all grew up this way. As the song played on a loop, more and more things were running through my mind. The adult world is not always easy. There are different puzzles and things every day. Married life is a mess. The daily necessities of life. Various choices at work. Children

We all grew up like this.

This song is looping on a loop, and more and more things are running through my mind.

The adult world is always not easy. There are different puzzles and things every day.

  1. Married life is a mess.
  2. The daily necessities of life. Various choices in
  3. work.
  4. children’s learning life.

Everything is filled with my own world at the same time, and my own world has lost my shadow.

once said that people, first of all, are themselves, and then other roles; if you are gone, other roles will not do well.

Since childhood, all kinds of things have filled our lives.

Children have the fear of children;

Adults have the sorrow of adults.

Life is full of hope, and I will create the future. In fact, they are really positive words. At this time of the epidemic, when life is not easy for everyone, who can give you hope?

In fact, for the first time in life, when you don’t know what to do, you can only rely on yourself. No one can give you completely correct guidance.

So [you] are a very important role. Deal with your own role first, and then decide what you want to do?

Life is your own, and you are your own. In the adult world, more things you have no control over depend on yourself.

#Adult’s Breakdown Moment#​

#How difficult is it for adults to be emotionally stable#​