​ The busy June season, with moving, kid’s exams, and all kinds of spiritual cultivation... seems to have been busy for a while. Obsessive-compulsive disorder, buying all kinds of things, storing them neatly, immersing yourself in flowers and plants, and building a warm place in

The busy June season, with moving, kid exams, and all kinds of spiritual cultivation... seems to have been busy for a while. Obsessive-compulsive disorder, buying all kinds of things, storing them neatly, immersing yourself in flowers and plants, and building a warm place in your heart step by step.

I am tired of all kinds of things, and I have to work hard for a few taels of silver. Yes, a few taels of silver can solve thousands of melancholy. I was so tired that I stopped dancing in the square, walking, and even stopped writing.

I was still shopping online. I felt that the greenery in the house was not enough, so I bought all kinds of small greens on the Internet. I want all kinds of beauty where my eyes touch.

I bought a few beautiful vases and placed them on the table, with red and pink flowers. The small county in the northwest cannot achieve freedom of flowers. It’s still a question of a few taels of broken silver.

Unexpectedly, it has almost passed June and it is July. It has been hot for days, and there are showers today. The sudden coolness is just like the little girl's state of mind. Her cultivation is still not enough.

Regardless, there are endless things to do, and I am a bit helpless. Still tired, I don’t want to worry about anything, just sunshine, food, books, music, square dancing, making tea, and sleeping until I wake up naturally. It’s unrealistic, but it’s okay to think about it.

About the author: Guo Shuting, screen name: Zhuzhu, is from Tongwei County, Gansu Province. She loves life and sports. She likes to swim in words and pursue spiritual freedom.