A song "Friendship lasts forever", old acquaintances, how can we forget the wonderful time we spent together, for the sake of the past years, the goodwill of my dear friends ripples in our hearts, we spent the wonderful time together, the friendship remains, my friends remain Sol

A song "Friendship lasts forever", how can we forget the good times we spent together, for the sake of the past years, dear friends, the goodwill is in our hearts, the friendship is still there, my friend Still solid and true, we will be proud of all this, giving care to each other, we are connected heart to hand, loyal to each other, helping and loving each other, this beautiful atmosphere will last forever, no matter how many years pass through.

My heart is as close as it is thousands of miles away. There is a persistence hidden in my heart. We have walked through the years together. We have a deep friendship from the north and south of the Yangtze River. We have experienced many mentors carefully cultivating us. There is a memory hidden in my heart for decades. Welcoming spring from winter, the blessings are endless. We have cultivated it so powerfully with our blood. We have used our sincerity to bring blessings to everyone. May everyone be of one mind and have no regrets about yesterday's vows. We can use our blood and sincerity to make the splendid scenery beautiful and use our virtue to bring harmony and happiness to the universe. , no matter how far the road ahead is, follow Zhengzhengtangdang closely, and we will always be connected heart to heart.

Being in awe is the foundation of "being a human being". There is no rehearsal in life, and every day will not be repeated. It is all live broadcast time. We are changing. The only way to go further and wider is to become better than yesterday. Better yourself, please go all out for your dreams.

Friendship lasts forever. It is not easy for noble people in life to last three months. Those who can last for six months are worth cherishing. Those who can stay together for one year are called miracles. Those who can survive two years are called close friends. Those who are still there in five years are worth remembering, and those who are still there in five years should be brought into life. Those who are still there in ten years are no longer friends, they are already relatives and part of life.

In this beautiful era, do it and cherish it. Thank you for staying with me. The moment I picked up the umbrella when it rained, I understood a truth. Learn from the umbrella to be a good person, and learn from the rain boots to do things. The umbrella said: If you don’t protect others from the wind and rain, who will? You lift it on your head and say with rain boots: You have entrusted all the weight to me, why do you care about what is in the mud and water?

In fact, when we care about others, we will also gain respect from others. Learn to be grateful, learn to give, learn to take responsibility, and the whole world will make way for you.

Meeting people depends on a little fate, and getting along with people depends on a little sincerity. No one in this world is sorry to anyone, only those who don't know how to cherish others. The charm of a man does not lie in how much money he has or how handsome he is, but in how responsible he is when things happen; the charm of a woman does not lie in how beautiful he is, but in having a gentle and kind character and a tolerant heart. Mentality determines everything. , have a peaceful mind, see beauty in your eyes, and feel happiness in your heart.

In front of your family, if you give in, the family will be more harmonious. Giving in is not a kind of submission, but a kind of generosity. When a man gives in to a woman, what he gives in is love; when a woman gives in to a man, what she gives in is love. Don't take concession as an example. The person who is willing to give in after suffering a loss must be a well-educated and highly qualified person. Give in, let your life reduce unnecessary worries, let your life have more visible beauty, you will be the winner, and you will be the wise man if you give in!

The greatest luck in life is not picking up money. It’s not about winning a big prize, but someone is willing to take the time to guide you and help you. The so-called noble person is not someone who directly gives you money, but someone who broadens your horizons, corrects your structure, and gives you positive energy.

If you can discover your own shortcomings as accurately as you can see the shortcomings of others, then your life will be extraordinary.

The first concept of practice is never to look at the faults of sentient beings. If you look at the faults of sentient beings, you will always pollute yourself. It is impossible for you to practice. If you see the faults and rights and wrongs of sentient beings every day, you must quickly repent. This is spiritual practice. If you don’t forgive all living beings, if you don’t forgive all living beings, you will suffer yourself.

Only by understanding the impermanence of life can we cherish the finiteness of life, let go of unnecessary attachments, and face life calmly.

With a good heart, everything is beautiful. There is a kind of blessing that comes from giving good things. Having a considerate heart and knowing how to selflessly contribute is so beautiful. Only when you have love in your heart will you be loved by others. Happiness is not because you get a lot. , but because there are fewer calculations, more blessings will come from forgiving others, and there will be fewer worries when your mind is enlarged. To love, you must seize the moment.

Being able to consider others from their perspective in everything and accumulating good deeds is compassion. The difference between Buddha and devil is not the level of magic power, but whether they have a compassionate heart. Don't do good deeds because they are small, and don't do evil deeds because they are small. Good and evil in the world will be rewarded. Doing evil in the world will be rewarded with evil. Doing good with compassion will be rewarded with good. Only by always having a compassionate heart can you save yourself and others.

To endure humiliation is not to hold it in hard, because holding it in is like building a dam. It cannot solve the problem but will easily burst. The tolerance mentioned by the Buddha actually means to resolve, to accept it unconditionally first, and then to transform it into invisible. On the surface, enduring humiliation is a loss, but in reality it is repaying a debt.

Be a person with sunshine in your heart, be strong and upward, get closer to the sunshine, and become a better version of yourself. The strength of your heart will always be better than the flashiness of your appearance. The way to make yourself happy is actually very simple. Gradually learn to expect less and be a human being. When you feel contented and your mind is at peace, happiness will be in it; when you are satisfied, happiness will be in it.

The ancients said that if you speak with the same voice, you will respond, and if you are of the same mind, you will understand each other. No matter the reason, just do it. Know what you love, understand what you want, be like-minded, and share weal and woe. Just boldly pursue your ideals and ambitions, and you will always have friends behind you to support you.

But you have to remember: those who hold an umbrella for you in the heavy rain, those who help you block foreign objects, those who silently hug you in the dark, those who chat with you all night long, are always the ones who care about you. The people who say they miss you are the people who make up every bit of warmth in your life, and it is this warmth that cheers you up.

In early spring, the flowers all over the mountain are extremely beautiful. I will give you one to share the joy of spring;

In the hot summer, the cicadas are noisy in the forest. I will give you one to tease you;

Autumn is dew, and the fallen leaves all over the ground are golden, which makes the dew heavier. , don’t forget to add more clothes;

It’s cold winter, and the flying snowflakes are biting. I hope the house will be warm, the food will be warm, and the winter will be safe.

I wish you all peace and happiness in all seasons, a harmonious life, everlasting friendship, and give love to each other.

Welcome everyone to enjoy the Chinese Reading Club!

Carry forward Chinese traditional culture and spread positive energy!

Thank you for your family happiness, harmony and kindness!

I am grateful for the auspicious light of Ten Thousand Buddhas and the blessings of God and Heaven!

Thank you to heaven and earth for nourishing all things! Thanks to the country for nurturing and protecting us!

Thanks to my parents for raising me! Thanks to my mentor for his earnest teachings!

Pray for world peace! The country is peaceful and the people are safe! May the whole family be happy and healthy!