Qianmo Hongchen, you are the person I miss the most

There is always too much helplessness in the love of the world. The love is always deep, but it is shallow, and the deepest love is not accompanied until old, which is the greatest regret in the world.

I have loved you, and it is hard to forget that although our fate is scattered across the world, my heart will always be with you.

Looking back at the dust, the years are far away, but the longing in my heart has never stopped. Day by day, year by year, time has changed, but I can't let go of my concern for you.

The breeze spreads.

Light rain, knock on the window.

I am alone, leaning against a window in silence, through the window, quietly looking at the direction where you are.

Think about it, look through the mountains and rivers that stand in between you and me, and see if you are safe and sound, but know that even if I try my best, I still can't see you in the world.

Your city is a distant place that I can't reach, and your heart is the safe haven of my life.

Although the ending between us is not perfect, but thousands of people have the honor to meet you and love you deeply, it is enough.

There is a kind of love, see or not, love forever, there is a love, there is no destiny to stay together, and it will only be silent for you.

is the promise of two people, let me fulfill it with lovesickness.

I love each other in regret, chant deeply in the watch, read a person, love for a period of years

without your company,The long journey of life is very lonely and lonely, listening to the rain and the wind alone, enjoying the flowers and the scenery alone, and seeing all the mountains and red dust, but there is a desolation in my eyes.

lamented fate, why gave me a warm love, but took you away from my world, and made me a long regret in my life.

The long river of time, too many memories drifted away, but never let me forget you.

alone, silently guarding the lovesickness you left me, passing through season after season of blooming flowers, walking through the mountains and rivers, and the years that I thought could be desalinated, to The memory is still clear now.

Dear someone, I still love you very much, I miss you in regret, I miss someone in the watch, I love someone for a period of time, I am not old, I am not dead, and my obsession remains unchanged.

You have faded out of my life, but become my obsession

I am afraid of losing, but I still lose you; I am obsessed with lovesickness and lovesickness.

The world of fate is full of unsatisfactory writing. The only good news is that this thin and cold world still retains a pure love in my heart.

Reading for life, love for the rest of life, no destiny for the day and night, you are also my most beautiful love, although you have faded out of my life, but it is the eternal indulge in my heart.

For the rest of your life, if you can't walk into your world, you will be waiting for you in your dreams. If you can't hold hands with you, you will keep the promises of the earth and you will not be surprised or disturbed forever.

I miss you, my heart is like Xijiang River,Day and night flow endlessly

I have read the most beautiful love words in the world:

Look at the sky at dawn, look at the clouds at dusk, think of you when you walk, and think of you when you sit.

I have read the deepest obsession in the world:

Once the sea is difficult to water, but Wushan is not a cloud.

I have read the softest heartbeat in the world:

You are the clouds in the early days of April, you are love, warmth, hope, and my most beautiful April day in the world.

Although I don’t have the amazing talents of the ancients, I can’t write such beautiful and gentle love words to describe your position in my heart, but in my heart, you are my constant love and eternal concern .

miss you, miss you so much, "remembering your heart is like the river in the west, day and night flow without rest", this yearning will follow my steps closely, every step is a concern, every day All lovesickness.

I miss you, my dearest someone, the person who can’t get, I miss you deeply in my heart, the love I can’t keep, I bless you deeply in my dreams.

Wish you well, if you are well, I will not disturb you, if you are happy, it will be sunny!
