3. Don’t be too serious about things and don’t be too serious about life. This is the reason why some people live a carefree life and some people live a tired life. A wise man said that when someone scolded him on the street, he would not even look back. He did not want to know w

2024/07/0220:48:32 article 1213

3. Don’t take things too seriously

Don’t take things too seriously. This is the reason why some people live a carefree life and some people live a tired life. A wise man said that when someone scolded him on the street, he would not even look back. He did not want to know who the person scolding him was. Because life is so short and precious, and there are so many things to do, why waste time on such unpleasant things? If a person is bitten by a mad dog, he will not only feel pain, but also worry about being infected with rabies . However, there is no need for you to retaliate and bite the mad dog again to earn back the money. Otherwise, others will not know whether the dog is crazy or the person is crazy. If a normal person quarrels with a madman, others will not know which one is the madman. Insane lunatics are not to be feared. The scary thing is a sane lunatic. You need to know what you should do and what you shouldn't do, know what things should be taken seriously and what things can be ignored. It is not easy to truly achieve this, and it requires long-term training. If we make it clear which things we can take lightly or do perfunctorily, we can free up more time and energy, go all out and concentrate on what we need to do, and our chances and hopes of success will be greatly increased. . At the same time, as we become open-minded and tolerant, people will be willing to interact with us, and we will have more and more friends. Success in career is accompanied by success in social interaction. Isn’t it a great blessing in life?

3. Don’t be too serious about things and don’t be too serious about life. This is the reason why some people live a carefree life and some people live a tired life. A wise man said that when someone scolded him on the street, he would not even look back. He did not want to know w - DayDayNews

4. The one who laughs last is the hero.

Don’t talk nonsense, you will be wrong if you talk too much. Silence is golden. Listening is a kind of wisdom, a kind of cultivation, a kind of respect, and a kind of spiritual communication. Calmness is a kind of mentality, a kind of spiritual communication. Mature. Small cleverness focuses on showing off, while big cleverness focuses on career.

In "The Romance of the Three Kingdoms", there is a story about "Cao Cao Discussing Heroes over Cooking Wine". At that time, Liu Bei was in trouble and took refuge with Cao Cao. Cao Cao received Liu Bei sincerely. Liu Bei lived in , Xudu, . After signing the Belt Edict, , in order to prevent Cao Cao from plotting against him, he planted vegetables in the back garden and watered them himself, in order to confuse Cao Cao and relax his gaze on himself. One day, Cao Cao invited Liu Bei to his house for a drink. They talked about people who looked like dragons and who was the hero of the world. Liu Bei clicked on Yuan Shu , Yuan Shao , Liu Biao , Sun Ce , Liu Zhang , Zhang Xiu , Zhang Lu , Han Sui , all of which were belittled by Cao Cao. Cao Cao pointed out the standard of a hero - "a great ambition, a good plan, the opportunity to contain the universe, and the ambition to swallow up the world." Liu Bei asked, "Who is worthy of it?" Cao Cao said, only Liu Bei and him are. Liu Bei was hiding in Xudu, but when Cao Cao pointed out that he was a hero, he was so frightened that he dropped his spoons and chopsticks on the ground. It happened that heavy rain was coming and there was a loud thunder. Liu Bei calmly picked up the spoon and said, "The power of a shock is as great as this." He cleverly concealed his panic and thus avoided a disaster. Liu Bei was very clever in his answer to the question of heroes over a pot of wine.

3. Don’t be too serious about things and don’t be too serious about life. This is the reason why some people live a carefree life and some people live a tired life. A wise man said that when someone scolded him on the street, he would not even look back. He did not want to know w - DayDayNews

Liu Bei hides himself in secret, does not exaggerate, show off, brag, be arrogant, pretend to be deaf and dumb in front of others, and does not count himself among the "heroes". This method is very reassuring, and he will not become the target of public criticism. He used his seed as a cover, and he used the excuse of counting heroes. At least on the surface, he restrained his behavior and ambitions, so that Cao Cao would not find out and divide him. In this world, one cannot be too arrogant and aggressive. Those who aim at the top of the mountain will not covet the scenery halfway up the mountain. They must always remember that their goal is to aim at the top of the mountain!

3. Don’t be too serious about things and don’t be too serious about life. This is the reason why some people live a carefree life and some people live a tired life. A wise man said that when someone scolded him on the street, he would not even look back. He did not want to know w - DayDayNews

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