The season for picking apricots has arrived. Text/Sun Shuheng 1 Wang Xiuling is the "Old Wang". She has been here for more than 30 years with passion and married thousands of miles away. From the Hongxing Village in the sand marsh of Naiman Banner to the foot of Daqing Mountain,

2024/06/2921:48:32 article 1764

The season for picking apricots has arrived. Text/Sun Shuheng 1 Wang Xiuling is the

The season for picking apricots has arrived.

Text/Sun Shuheng


Wang Xiuling is the "Old Wang". She has been here for more than 30 years.

She is passionate and married thousands of miles away. From the Hongxing Village in the sand marsh of Naiman Banner to the University At the foot of Qingshan , a hole was torn in life. The woman who had worked hard for half her life has really changed. Except for the fact that her accent has not changed, she wears a red hat and always looks like a volunteer. The "volunteer" of the family

blushes as if she is familiar. The transparent apricots, the hair is getting whiter and whiter, as white as the apricot blossoms that have bloomed.

The wind is blowing, the trees are humming, and a few birds are constantly quarreling. The apricots are never showy, and neither is Lao Wang. Zhang Yang has long buried the years of fatigue and pain under the apricot trees, never taking away a trace of complaint or regret. "Who can show me my sad face all day long?"

The once delicate and exquisite person has devoted himself wholeheartedly. Grounded to the earth, close to the earth color, exuding an indomitable spirit

There are many people in the world, walking with a heart in mind,

I don’t know where my love has gone, and the opportunity has gone and I can’t return it.

The season for picking apricots has arrived. Text/Sun Shuheng 1 Wang Xiuling is the


Lao Wang said that at that time, my sisters all went to college, and I also passed the exam. I was a third-level student. Considering my family situation, I had to give up going to college. When I said this, I fell silent, as if I had more secrets hidden in my heart.

I moved away from home. , in fact, she married far away from home. Although her husband, Lao Gao, is from the village, he does not have much education. He likes to drink a little wine. He is a down-to-earth person who is willing to work hard.

Lao Wang is a proud and arrogant person. This man, Lao Gao, looks like There is a nail in Lao Wang's heart that he wants to pull out but can't pull out. It is also a callus on Lao Wang's hands. While caring for him, he is suffering at the same time.

The season for picking apricots has arrived. Text/Sun Shuheng 1 Wang Xiuling is the

Lao Wang dreams of getting rich. No one is short of arms and legs, so just do it.

Except I tended more than three acres of private land and rented three greenhouses. I couldn't bear the desolation, so I tended it by myself, picked the fruits by myself, and sold them in the market. "Half of it was sold, and half of it was rotten."

was very similar to Lao Wang's marriage. After a few years, he fell into disgrace. In Lao Wang's heart, you can't throw it away, you have to

find it in the soil. The distance between dreams and reality is only one road.

They are all crawling people between heaven and earth. , to bring more peace to the already upside-down life.

is proud of his two daughters, both of whom have been admitted to college. One is working and the other is a graduate student. His dream has come true in his children.

I saw my second daughter at the "Big Apricot Festival" in the district. Setting up a stall is so calm and peaceful.

Lao Wang said, the girl knows how to love me. She went to the garden to help me work as soon as she got off work. The little green apricot made Lao Wang's feelings as good as before.

Back in the greenhouse, a little lamb rubbed in front of Lao Wang, naughty She looked like a child, bleating from time to time, and saw the light of motherly love in Lao Wang's eyes.

The season for picking apricots has arrived. Text/Sun Shuheng 1 Wang Xiuling is the


The wind blows the dark clouds in the sky

The sun-heated earth exudes the smell of vegetation and earth

In Lao Wang's apricot tree garden and plastic greenhouse,

there are apricots, vegetables, sheep, and nine cats. The season for picking apricots is here, and the red apricots are eye-catching, making the midsummer time perform a long, comfortable and soothing movement.

Lao Wang stood under the apricot tree picking, constantly changing the angle, sometimes standing, Sometimes it bends its waist, casting a bright shadow

through the gaps between the leaves, leaving mottled footprints on the ground. Each footprint is a memory of life.

The season for picking apricots has arrived. Text/Sun Shuheng 1 Wang Xiuling is the

Lao Wang said that when an apricot falls, it will become another one.

One by one, the ripe apricots have fallen, but they have not lost their ancient charm.

Those apricots that have changed from sour to sweet are like any soul that has experienced suffering. The city exudes fragrance

until the leaves are flying and apricots are falling everywhere, filled with layer upon layer of longing for her hometown and relatives.

The season for picking apricots has arrived. Text/Sun Shuheng 1 Wang Xiuling is the

(Author profile: Sun Shuheng, pen name Hengxin Yongzai, a native of Naiman Banner in Inner Mongolia. China Financial Writers Association member, China Essayists Association member, Inner Mongolia Writers Association, Inner Mongolia Poetry Society member, Western Essayists Association Member)

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