1. "My dear child, be brave enough to go over the mountains and ridges. Someone will kiss the bruises on your knees and love the mud on your chest." 2. "You can no longer look forward to something too much. If you look forward too much, you can't help but keep it in your mind." I

2024/05/2615:47:33 article 1483

1. “My dear child, be brave enough to go over the mountains and ridges. Someone will kiss the bruises on your knees and love the mud on your chest.”

2. If you rehearse this event over and over again, and then it will collapse especially if things do not develop as expected due to various accidents."

3. "As night falls, the lights of various colors outside the car windows gradually light up, and it is so lively that it makes people cry. No matter how big the world is, , I will never meet the person I miss now again."

4. "Everything that is publicized in fiction is missing in reality."

5. "So wait a little longer, wait for the one who can see through everything about you and is still willing to do it." Repair your girly heart little by little and let the childlike person appear. "

6. "The two have been together for a long time and there is no sense of freshness. What should I do? Freshness is when two old people experience new things together. I am not a person who always changes to new things and experiences old things.”

7. “Don’t say black paper is white when you see a white dot, and don’t say white paper is black when you see a black dot.”

8. “Actually, I have severe bipolar disorder. "Some people are nice to me and I just treat them carelessly, but some people just stand there and don't have to do anything to get my witty tenderness and unyielding kindness"

9. " What people like is the distant and pure white moon instead of The devastated moon "

10. "Listen, it really has nothing to do with others whether you live a good life or not. The teacher can't control you. If you are in a daze in class and don't do your homework after class, they can't control whether you are a good person or not. You have to let yourself turn into mud. No one can force you to become a star. Only you can save you.”


11. “What I want to say often I don’t know how to express it. Love is always hidden in the eyes. Do you know it is also hidden in this sentence

12. “The Republic of China is not about young masters and young ladies, nor the beautiful love between warlords’ wives and warlords, but corpses everywhere and a group of young people who are passionate about revitalizing China.”

13. “Let me tell the truth. I drove a spaceship through time. Milky Way Escape from the black hole and defeat the monsters. The only purpose of coming to Earth from Namek, which is tens of thousands of light years away, is to be with you. "

14. " They say that it is an untouchable god, and no one can ever try to get close to it. , but I remembered with a smile in a dream that it was the creature I created. "

15. "I seemed to have had a dream. The youth in the dream was hot, the youth's scholarly energy, sweat, and mine. Midsummer Dream"

16. "The moment I close the book, I am always filled with melancholy, but also extremely happy and regretful: we can only be together here, I wish you peace and joy in another world"

17. " My wife's name is Not telling my wife is too official, too perfunctory, my dear, too greasy. You should call me eldest brother, and I'll call you second brother. "

18. " The stars slipped in and lay on the roof. Little flowers were woven into curtains and fell in front of the window. The owl thought about the unfinished story. The whole forest enters a sweet dream, and your good night has such magic power."

19. "Do you know what disappointment is? That is when things that were shining in your eyes before are suddenly burned to ashes, and you put everything you have into it. I am proud to step on the soles of my feet and admit that I am blind."

20. " Always happy every year, always victorious and beautiful every year, serious about making money, much joy, everlasting peace, kindness, courage, excellence, never compromise, always happy, always joyful, interesting, hope, no disaster, no trouble, I wish you the same Wish me "

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