Freud said: "Human beings are animals full of desires and driven by desires." Moderate desire is the driving force for us to move forward; once it turns into greed, it will inevitably become venom that bites back at the heart. Humans are either dissatisfied or language giants. "L

2024/05/2515:56:32 article 1810

Freud said:

Freud said:

Freud said:

Freud said:

Freud said:

Freud said: "Human beings are animals full of desires and driven by desires." Moderate desire is the driving force for us to move forward; once it turns into greed, it will inevitably become venom that bites back at the heart. Humans are either dissatisfied or language giants. "Love doesn't know where it starts, it goes deep, it goes deep; it doesn't know where it ends, it goes away." Perhaps it was finally in the midst of repeated complaints, repeated unbridled words, repeated distrust, and repeated cold looks. How can we save ourselves and all sentient beings without light and heat? No one can torture you, it's self-torture; no one can defeat you, it's your own self-care, and you can feel free to let go of your thoughts. Inamori Kazuo said: "The biggest prison in the world is your own heart. If you can't get out of your own obsessions, you will be a prisoner wherever you go. Life is really hard, and you can only overcome it by yourself, let go of your obsessions, and let yourself go. , If the heart is happy, the world will be painless. "I like this sentence very much: "Don't put your expectations on others, because others have no obligation to fulfill your expectations." Having too high expectations of others is essentially incompetent to yourself. Avoidance and avoidance.

Freud said:

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Thoreau said: "As long as a person meets the basic needs of life and no longer obsesses about fame and wealth, he can enjoy life more calmly and more fully." Gates, who lives in the whirlpool of desire Compared with being burdened by fame and wealth, it is more difficult to enjoy a happy and happy life. When he was freed from material desires, he found his own rhythm of life and had more time to do the things he liked. It turns out that the simpler your desires, the freer your life will be and you can stretch your body and mind. "Desires in life are like twigs on a tree. You cannot completely eliminate them, but they need to be pruned regularly." In this materialistic world, only by staying alert to desires and practicing simple restraint can you live a relaxed and calm life. "If you are not happy, then let it go. The most regretful thing in life is to give up easily what you should not give up, and stubbornly insist on what you should not insist on." Compared with "affordable", "let go" "Down" is even more difficult. If you try your best to get something, just let it go. What truly supports life is the mind, the spirit, the soul, and the prosperity in the heart. "You must have a heart that is at ease and at ease, and be calm in everything that comes with it. Don't rush forward, don't be lazy, don't force it, don't be pessimistic, don't panic, don't forget the shape, don't be happy with things, don't be sad with yourself." "Being at peace with the situation is the key to peace of mind and peace of mind. Then everything will be fine.”

Freud said:

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Eliminate the complex and simplify it. Only those who know how to give up deserve to have it. Only by getting rid of material constraints can people feel fulfilled and enriched. Treat work as work, which is tiring and bitter; treat work as career, though tiring but sweet; treat work as cultivation and it will be relaxed. Concepts will constrain our actions, and patterns will affect our vision. Our vision is short-sighted, and we are destined to be limited to one corner. Many times, it is easy to really let go, but the suffering before it is not easy. You still need an opportunity, a point, and some luck. These are all on your way of continuous search. When you try to abandon it, it will chase you back. Come to you; and if you accept it, everything will be relieved and you may be successful. Haruki Murakami "Abandoned Cat": Letting go is the cure for everything. Let go of your obsession with a perfect life and face the passing years with an open mind. This is the best way to live. Those who can come back will naturally come back, and it is useless to force those who cannot keep them. Rather than letting others go, let yourself go. Plato said: "If you are not happy, unhappy, then let it go.

Freud said:

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Lao Tzu said: "No disaster is greater than dissatisfaction, and no blame is greater than desire." "There are no worries in life. When what you want is greater than what you can ask for and your desires are hard to satisfy, worries arise. There is no pain in life. When what you want is greater than what you can ask for and you can't get what you want, pain arises.The greatest sorrow in life is to use limited energy to chase unlimited desires, thus missing the most precious things in life. Some people say: "The greatest self-discipline for adults is to lower expectations for others." Some people say: "The wisdom of life lies in gradually clarifying and filtering out the unimportant impurities, while retaining the most important parts." Only by removing the dross can we achieve success. Its essence. Growth is addition to life; maturity is subtraction to life. Be willing to let go, let go of all the burdens, and let go of the superfluous things that are not yours. Feel relaxed and everything comes naturally. Don't let ambition hurt your happiness, anything beyond your cognition will not belong to you. Don't settle for mediocrity, but you can be low-key and ordinary, enjoy the breeze, and be happy indifferently. Live your life seriously and everything will be just right.

Freud said:

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Many times, the troubles in life are not that you have too little, but that you want too much. The troubles in life mostly come from the word "desire". So be contented. Only by being content can you have fewer desires and reduce your inner greed and needs. When you are freed from material desires, he finds the rhythm of life and has more time to do the things he likes. It turns out that the simpler your desires, the freer your life will be. Investor Wang Xiao once said: "Everyone wants to get bigger, but successful people will control their desire to get bigger. Those who want to do everything but can't do anything well are often defeated not by ability, but by ability. It’s a desire that doesn’t match your ability. “In this life, you have a limit to what you want, otherwise it will be a disaster. If instead of running between endless temptations, you will eventually be backlashed by your own desires. It is better to reduce unnecessary material desires and leave time for things that are truly worth pursuing, so that you will achieve success in your career.

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