To be confident is not to simply believe in yourself, but to find the courage to face uncertainty, face doubts, and find the motivation to leap in doubts. Amway this book - "The Power of Confidence" for all girls who want to become completely confident. This is the most thorough

2024/05/2315:13:32 article 1681

To be confident is not to simply believe in yourself, but to find the courage to face uncertainty, face doubts, and find the motivation to leap in doubts.

Amway this book for all girls who want to become more confident - " The Power of Confidence ". This is the most thorough and bottom-level book I have ever read on how to become confident. What does it take for a person to go from low self-esteem to self-confidence?

To be confident is not to simply believe in yourself, but to find the courage to face uncertainty, face doubts, and find the motivation to leap in doubts. Amway this book -

There are many self-confidence methods on the market that are purely self-suggestion, and most of them are useless. Why do you want to be confident but just can’t?

Dear it is not your fault, because no one's self-confidence is generated independently, self-confidence is a beautiful product of love and friendship. Confidence is not something you are born with, but a difficult journey that requires patience.

1. Obtain the trust of others

The initial self-confidence of each of us in life comes from other people and interactions with others-this other person is our parents.

Confidence comes from interactions with others. Before generating self-confidence, you must first trust others, and then transform trust in others into confidence in yourself during interactions and actions.

To be confident is not to simply believe in yourself, but to find the courage to face uncertainty, face doubts, and find the motivation to leap in doubts. Amway this book -

So to find self-confidence, you must first gain an inner sense of security and trust in others. The first few years of childhood are decisive, but the good news is that we can develop faith in others at any stage of life.

2. Confidence is trust in oneself

Confidence is trust in the interaction between oneself and the world, and this interaction is not something we can fully control. Family love and interpersonal communication are of great significance to building self-confidence. You must first learn to trust others before you can have confidence.

If unfortunately you have had low self-esteem since childhood, we have an absolutely effective method for self-confidence as an adult - train hard on a skill and continue to accomplish things. One's own abilities are important to building self-confidence. Everyone needs down-to-earth skills and tangible success to build confidence.

To be confident is not to simply believe in yourself, but to find the courage to face uncertainty, face doubts, and find the motivation to leap in doubts. Amway this book -

Everyone knows the 10,000-hour theory. A person who practices something for 10,000 hours can become an expert in this field. Now the accurate statement is that you only need to practice deliberately for 8,000 hours to become an expert. If you practice 4 hours a day, you can become an expert. hours, then you can become an expert in this field in 5 and a half years.

When cultivating abilities, the most important thing is to gain fun from it, because only when you have fun will you continue. An ability can allow you to deepen your understanding of your own abilities, characteristics and character, and it will be easier to transform into self-confidence. In addition, no matter how small a success is, it is worth celebrating. People who regularly affirm and celebrate their actions are more confident.

3. Belief in life and life

In life, we often fall into comparison. If we can compare, we will be confident, but if we cannot compare, we will have no confidence. If we do well, we will be happy and have a sense of superiority. If we know that others are living better than ourselves, we will be jealous or jealous. Comparison.

Comparison will bring about a crisis of confidence, and the best medicine against comparison is to be loyal to your own desires - fully understand yourself, know what you desire, where you are, and where you are on the road, you will not compare with others, and you will not feel that you are different from others. There is competition from others. But we still can't help but compare ourselves with others. This is a habit of social animals. The ultimate solution is this: as long as you stay true to your inner desires, this kind of comparison will not cause pain.

To be confident is not to simply believe in yourself, but to find the courage to face uncertainty, face doubts, and find the motivation to leap in doubts. Amway this book -

In summary, self-confidence has three levels: first, trust in others, second, confidence in one's own abilities, and third, belief in life and life.

Confidence always comes from confidence in life. You rarely see a person who loves his life without confidence. Even if life goes against our wishes, we can still love life. This is to find the original belief deep in our hearts. This is the root of all faith.

likes us all to become confident girls. I am Xia Jiujiu, an entrepreneurial mother who talks about self-media and growth.

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