Text/Shadow's Picture/From the Internet: "You stand at thirty, and you are not confused at forty." At the age of 30, bid farewell to ignorance and youth, gradually become mature, and shoulder the burden of life alone. This is a kind of growth, and it is even more important. A tra

2024/06/0719:46:32 article 1802


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An ancient saying goes: "You stand at thirty, and you are not confused at forty."

At the age of 30, we bid farewell to ignorance and youth, gradually become mature, and shoulder the burden of life alone. This is a kind of growth. , is a kind of transformation.

Some people say that the age of 30 is like a fork in the road in life. If you go well, you will reach Yangguan Avenue; if you choose the wrong way, you will either enter the field path or go to the cliff.

In fact, it is often not luck but mentality that determines the rest of life.

If a person wants to have a peaceful and beautiful life for the rest of his life, he must learn to live a "preceptive" life after the age of 30.

No vanity, live a down-to-earth life

The famous Italian sculptor Michelangelo once spent two years carving a stone statue. From conception to technique, he concentrated all his skills. When the work was completed, he was very satisfied. When

's work was previewed, it attracted a crowd of people. People were amazed at the statue. But when it was the mayor's turn to speak, he said to Michelangelo very arrogantly: "The nose of this statue is too short. It affected its overall artistic sense."

Michelangelo told the mayor that he would modify the work according to the mayor's request, so he went to the side and grabbed three handfuls of lime and put it on his nose.

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After a while, he asked the mayor to comment again. The mayor said with great satisfaction: "It's much better now. This is perfect art."

Michelangelo's assistant was puzzled. He obviously had nothing. I just wiped my nose with lime. Why did the mayor feel that there was such a big change?

This story was later spread, and some people compared vanity to three handfuls of lime.

Shakespeare once said: "Vanity is a boring and deceptive thing. The person who gets it may not have any merit, and the person who loses it may not have any fault."

Vanity is the most illusory thing in the world, It is just an expression of thought and does not substantially change the essential things.

is like the mayor. He doesn’t understand the statue at all, and he doesn’t even know whether the statue has changed. But in order to make himself appear knowledgeable, he still pretends to be knowledgeable in front of others, but this kind of disguise is not useful to real insiders. Say, it's just a joke.

Fielding once said: "Vanity causes us to pretend to be someone we are not in order to win the approval of others, but hypocrisy incites us to cover up our sins with the appearance of virtue in an attempt to avoid the blame of others."

Vanity and hypocrisy are like Siamese brothers, closely connected and inseparable, so people with strong vanity are often particularly hypocritical.

Because of hypocrisy, we have to pretend, and "pretending" in this world is a very boring thing, a waste of time and energy but without any meaning.

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In order to satisfy his vanity, he must tell a big lie. In order not to expose the lie, he can only use one lie after another to cover up the previous lies.

This is a road of no return. Once you step on it, you can't stop if you want to.

False packaging is tiring, racking your brains to lie is also tiring. In addition to being tired, the fear of being exposed all day long is even more of a torture.

This kind of life is like a spy, living in fear every day.

When a person reaches the age of 30, he does not think about how to improve himself, how to make his family happier and his future brighter, but wastes time and energy on making up stories all day long. It is really childish and ridiculous.

A person who has not understood the essence of life after the age of 30, does not understand the true meaning of life, and does not have the courage to face life directly is a failure in itself.

A truly mature person will not do these boring things. He will face the most real life with the best mentality.

When you are thirty or thirty years old, you should stop worrying about illusory things, put down your vanity, live a down-to-earth life, enjoy the present, and embrace the future to gain another world.

Don’t be weak, pay attention to your health

Bacon said: “A healthy body is the living room of the soul, and a sick body is the prison room of the soul."

In a sense, each of us is composed of two parts, one part is the body, and the other part is the soul.

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The body will grow old, get sick, die, and then rot and return to nature.

The soul is parasitic Above the physical body, it is just a spiritual form, and no matter what you do, it needs to be done through the physical body.

Therefore, a healthy body is a person's greatest wealth.

The old man often said: "The strangest thing about people." The thing is, when you are young, you trade health for money, and when you get old, you trade money for health. "

This is right, and it tells the true experience of many people.

When you are young, you have good health, so you always don't care about your health. But when you are old and weak, you realize that money and reputation are all external things, and only a healthy body It is the capital of revolution.

When people reach their thirties and enter middle age, they should understand the importance of health and regard having a good body as a compulsory task in life.

Never regret it after losing your health. It's too late.

First, develop good living habits.

Many young people have problems with their living habits. For example, they hold their mobile phones 24 hours a day, at least 18 hours a day, and they are used to going to bed late every day. , stay up until early in the morning, and some people like to eat takeout, or even go on a diet to lose weight.

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These are very bad living habits. Everyone must pay attention to changing them.

Go to bed early and get up early, don’t look at your phone often, and don’t eat takeout often. , let alone diet.

Second, exercise more

There are many ways to exercise. If you are very busy, you can arrange a run every day, such as a morning run, or a night run.

If you have relatively sufficient financial conditions and time, you can also do it. You can go to the gym to exercise.

In short, don’t stay at home every day and exercise less.

Third, pay attention to the many ways to maintain health.

If you want to protect your body, you have to be young, otherwise the older you get, the more problems you will have.

Don’t be empty, enrich your spiritual world.

I once read this sentence in a book: “A person with an empty spirit is like a walking zombie. "

But it is a pity that many people living in this world are like walking zombies repeating the same things every day, but they have no spiritual pursuit of their own.

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This is actually a very dangerous thing, because the spirit is not full , so the meaning of living is often lost.

After the age of 30, you must learn to enrich your spiritual world, so that your life can become rich and colorful.

First, cultivating a person who loves

requires faith. In the same way, people also need it. Have a hobby, otherwise life will feel boring.

Each of us has different hobbies. Cultivating a hobby that suits you will make your future life more exciting.

You will not be bored.

Second, find a dream worth pursuing throughout your life

Yang Liping ’s life is very fulfilling, because she lives very clearly and sees through the essence of life. .

Once a person finds a dream worth pursuing for his whole life, he will not be lonely.

In fact, everyone has a dream, but sometimes everyone forgets it.

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Third, focus on family

Life is equal, but everyone has a dream. They are different, some people shine brightly, and some people live an ordinary life.

If you are just an ordinary person, you might as well spend all your energy on your family. Running a family is a very meaningful thing, and you can do it if you have your family by your side. Have a wonderful second half of life.

I am Ying'er, an original author who focuses on the emotional field.


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