Just like a baby's natural desire for mother's love. People spend their entire lives looking for someone who loves them unconditionally. But often the more we search like this, the greater the sense of loss in our hearts, because "human love" is inherently limited. Imagine that t

2024/05/2111:50:32 article 1263

is like a baby's natural desire for maternal love. People spend their entire lives looking for someone who loves them unconditionally. But often the more we search like this, the greater the sense of loss in our hearts, because "human love" is inherently limited.

Imagine that there is a child living inside you. His personality is no different from that of ordinary children: straightforward and simple; but sensitive and vulnerable, and also longs to be hugged and cherished. The question is, who is responsible for taking care of it?

Just like a baby's natural desire for mother's love. People spend their entire lives looking for someone who loves them unconditionally. But often the more we search like this, the greater the sense of loss in our hearts, because

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if there is any infringement. You may have never noticed that you have been leaving your inner child to others to take care of, such as your lover, family or friends.

For example, when in love, a girl always asks her boyfriend: Do you love me? Will you be with me forever? When you are slightly unsatisfied, you complain: I feel like you don’t love me at all. Then start to confront your boyfriend with some small examples in life. In fact, what she wants to prove is not that her boyfriend doesn't love her at all, but that she wants her boyfriend to go all out to prove how much he loves her.

This situation happens every three days. It’s so tiring, isn’t it?

Just like a baby's natural desire for mother's love. People spend their entire lives looking for someone who loves them unconditionally. But often the more we search like this, the greater the sense of loss in our hearts, because

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More or less, everyone will have a relationship with their original family or past trauma that will affect their current emotional relationship. The example of girls is constantly asking for love. There are also people who maintain a relationship by constantly giving. In the end, when the giving and receiving are not proportional, they can't help but complain: Why can't you treat me like I treat you?

In fact, we leave the inner child to the care of our boyfriend. Our hearts are so eager for love that we are hysterical. As everyone knows, it is not that others are unwilling to give us love, but that we ourselves do not love ourselves.

Seriously aware of the true needs of your heart, constantly enhance your self-confidence, enrich your heart, and always remember that you are your own salvation. In this way, we can live a good life.

Just like a baby's natural desire for mother's love. People spend their entire lives looking for someone who loves them unconditionally. But often the more we search like this, the greater the sense of loss in our hearts, because

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if there is any infringement.

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