This summer started early. Before reaching Mangzhong, the temperature was already over 40 degrees. As a farmer, I have a love-hate relationship with rain in summer. If it rains heavily, I am afraid of crops being flooded; if it rains lightly, I am afraid of drought. But the raini

2024/05/1708:19:33 article 1641

This summer started early.

The temperature has reached more than 40 degrees even before it reaches the awning.

As a farmer, I love and hate rain in summer. If it rains hard, I am afraid of crops being flooded; if it rains lightly, I am afraid of drought.

But the raininess in summer is not determined by our preferences. We just want the rain in summer to be gentle.

Summer rain always gives people the impression of lightning, thunder, violent storm, like wild beasts, rushing down from the sky, unstoppable.

But now I am holding an umbrella, standing in the yard, listening to the "plop" sound of the rain hitting the umbrella, looking at the small vegetable garden in the yard, the rainwater is falling drop by drop, as if to pity the weak. The vegetable seedlings lost the violence of Xia Yu and became gentle.

This summer started early. Before reaching Mangzhong, the temperature was already over 40 degrees. As a farmer, I have a love-hate relationship with rain in summer. If it rains heavily, I am afraid of crops being flooded; if it rains lightly, I am afraid of drought. But the raini - DayDayNews

I opened my right hand, which was still a little sore from just holding the pen, and touched my forehead, which was still covered with sweat just now. Originally, I was longing for the kind of rainy weather that can soothe my hot heart.

I thought I didn’t like the too mild rain in summer, but standing there quietly, listening to the sound of raindrops, even though the heat was still there, I felt a slight chill in my heart.

I felt sincere joy in my heart. It felt like drinking a little wine, far away from the worldly troubles, and feeling dizzy.

This sound of "ticking" and "popping" is endless, sometimes urgent and sometimes slow, sometimes light and sometimes heavy, sometimes stopping and sometimes falling, continuously, which makes it difficult for me to concentrate in this hot weather, and I can't help myself. There seems to be a surge of heat in my heart, which makes me uncomfortable.

I have rarely had this feeling before, and I don’t know how to express it in words. I can only write it down and think about it slowly.

wrote about the topic of listening to the rain, which seems not very suitable, because listening to the rain should be done by literati from ancient times to the present. It seems a little out of place for me, a rural woman who has just moved from the countryside to the county town.

This summer started early. Before reaching Mangzhong, the temperature was already over 40 degrees. As a farmer, I have a love-hate relationship with rain in summer. If it rains heavily, I am afraid of crops being flooded; if it rains lightly, I am afraid of drought. But the raini - DayDayNews

I take care of the children, wash and cook, and go to work to earn money every day.

It's rare that the store doesn't have to open in such weather, which allows me to have a moment of peace in the busy days, thinking and reminiscing in the gentle sound of rain.

The sound of rain gradually became louder and became continuous, but it was still very gentle. This kind of rain makes people happy.

Although I came to the county town from the countryside, I am still a farmer. At this time of year, facing the rainy season is always a mixed blessing.

At this time, the corn seedlings in the field are still very weak and cannot withstand the baptism of heavy rain. I still feel frightened when I think of the vast ocean in the river last year.

How much grain was flooded last year and how many farmers worked in vain for a season, so despite the hot mood, I prefer this gentle rain.

Now I feel that I have finally achieved my wish. Standing in a small courtyard of a few feet square, listening to the gentle sound of rain and watching the leaves of the vegetable seedlings stretching hard, I feel extremely happy.

This summer started early. Before reaching Mangzhong, the temperature was already over 40 degrees. As a farmer, I have a love-hate relationship with rain in summer. If it rains heavily, I am afraid of crops being flooded; if it rains lightly, I am afraid of drought. But the raini - DayDayNews

The sound of rain continued as before, and I felt happy, but suddenly I was worried, will the rain get heavier as it continues?

I pray silently, hoping that it will rain so mildly this summer so that farmers can have a real bumper harvest.

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