Now, at the age of 34, I look back at the years I have passed and those warm days that you and I spent together. Walking together Grandma!

2024/05/1614:04:33 article 1831

Now I am 34 years old, looking back at the years I have passed, those warm days that you and I have spent together. Walking through

Now, at the age of 34, I look back at the years I have passed and those warm days that you and I spent together. Walking together Grandma! - DayDayNews

together, grandma! From the day I called you grandma, I have been happy with your happiness and happy with your happiness. The love and passion for life have become fanatical because of you for the first time. The soul that was once full of melancholy has already become sunny because of love. I can imagine happiness waving to me in the dark night with a glow stick, so I have dreams and room for imagination. In my world, with you, I have happiness. It is your love that makes me learn to be calm. It is your love that makes us learn to give. It is your love that makes me understand the true meaning of love. Grandma! The years have passed by, and it has been 12 years. In this world of fire and frost, spring flowers and autumn, you sing and smile all the way, accompanying me every day and night. You are young, beautiful, and wise. You are a virtuous and considerate wife, a gentle and responsible mother, and a filial and kind daughter-in-law. Whenever I think back to those days full of sweetness and tenderness, I often stand by the window for a long time. With love and happiness in my heart, I slowly recall the romantic and snowy nights in the past.

Grandma! Days fly by and time flies by. Back then, you came to your new home and to me amidst the blessings of your relatives and friends. From then on you are faced with many stories. Either bit by bit, or red and red, it is written on your clean handkerchief. The existence of every mark is a morning full of hope and a dusk full of diligence. When you come to the kitchen for the first time after marriage, you are faced with pots and pans - these were the cooking utensils that your mother would not let you move easily. You did not flinch, but faced them calmly. Because you have such a personality, you will not be intimidated by any difficulties. A stubborn attitude and hard-working hands have resulted in an orderly and clean kitchen. And it has been with you for 12 years while eating three meals a day! Thank you, my grandma! Thank you very much! A family with four generations living under one roof. You silently take care of the dining table , paying for your golden life year after year, month after month.

Now, at the age of 34, I look back at the years I have passed and those warm days that you and I spent together. Walking together Grandma! - DayDayNews

 Grandma! When you became a mother at the beginning of your life, your youthful and beautiful face was as shy as the peach blossoms in March. On that late autumn night, with the cry of a newborn in the hospital, you entered your role as a mother. You frowned your delicate forehead slightly and smiled. You know, this is what you have given birth to, the arrival of new life, this is the hard work you will put in, the responsibility of a perfect mother. Your smile may include everything. After not resting in bed for many days, you supported your weak body and began to serve the child by yourself. Although a little clumsy, you changed the baby's diapers and dried the baby's quilt on time. Get a bathtub, put a certain amount of water in it, test the temperature with your hands, and then give the child a bath. Although you were in your twenties at the time, you were already a wife and mother, and you performed your responsibilities well as an adult. You nourish this little life with your sweet milk. A trickle of milk, a drop of emotion. A healthy baby will thrive under your care. In particular, I am serving in the army and have not served you personally. The regret of this life remains in my heart.

Grandma! Any two people meeting, getting to know each other, getting to know each other, falling in love, and being inseparable are all fate, all will of God, and cannot be controlled by human power. In the vast sea of ​​​​people, it is you who know each other, not her; in the vast world, it is you who loves each other, not her. We quietly approached, gradually melted into each other, slowly fell in love, and gently entered each other's souls, and each became the other half. Only together, life is complete, life is sweet, and life is complete. Otherwise, it is incomplete, painful, and destroyed. We can only accept our fate, let it happen, cherish it, and enjoy God's arrangement to the fullest.

Now, at the age of 34, I look back at the years I have passed and those warm days that you and I spent together. Walking together Grandma! - DayDayNews

You are my wealth, with you I am the richest person; you are my achievement, with you my life is glorious; you are my confidence, with you I will never be depressed; You are my strength, with you I will never be tired; you are my pride, with you I will always be incomparable; you are my future, with you I will always be full of hope. I can lose everything, but as long as you are here, I can regain everything; otherwise, I will lose even my life. I would never agree to trade the whole world for you. Without you, I don’t even have my life, so what’s the use of the whole world; without you, I have everything, so what’s the use of the whole world.

 Grandma, after these years of ups and downs, twists and turns, I feel more and more that you are great and indispensable to me. Usually, people often do not deeply feel the power of love and its importance to people's lives. Just like when you are full, you don’t feel the importance of food; when you are warmly dressed, you don’t feel the importance of clothing; when you are breathing, you don’t feel the importance of air; when you are free, you don’t feel the importance of freedom; when you are healthy, you don’t feel the importance of freedom. At this time, I don’t feel the importance of my hands and feet. Now, I deeply feel that you are important to me, indispensable and irreplaceable. Grandma! Your greatness and irreplaceability are fully reflected in the fact that you can give me magical power and sacred mission at all times. Your passionate eyes give me the passion of life; your brilliant smile gives me the sweetness of life; your hearty laughter gives me the beauty of life; your delicate hands give me the joy of life. Guidance; your warm embrace gives me comfort in life; your slim body gives me support in life; your active thoughts give me inspiration in life; your gentle words give me life. A living philosophy; your deep concern gives me the food of life; your loyal love gives me the hope of life; your unchanging faith gives me the future of life... You give me the hope of life. Everything; everything in my life is given by you. You are as great as my mother, you are as powerful as my father, you are as dear as my sisters, you are as mine... You are like them, but not them; you are greater than them, More powerful, more reliable, more loyal, one can compare with you. You are my one and only, lifelong, eternal Holy Mother and Angel. I will use my life and honor to protect you, cherish you, consider you, care for you, and take care of you.

Now, at the age of 34, I look back at the years I have passed and those warm days that you and I spent together. Walking together Grandma! - DayDayNews

 Grandma! I am proud to have met you, and I am proud to have you! You are a light cloud, you are a gentle wind, you always give me romantic poetry! You are a brilliant flower, you are a bud in bud, you always give me the spring of life! I feel the existence of happiness because of your feelings; I feel the love of this life because of my encounter with you. Let me hold your hand tightly, with a body of blood and spirit. Live this life and look forward to the next life...


Bits and pieces of memories piece together our happy life. Scenes from the past emerge one after another in front of our eyes. Looking up at the stars, recalling those shining days, tears soaked our eyes. When beautiful things Everything has been washed away by time. I would like to regard you as that star to accompany me in recalling those glorious years.

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