
2022年07月05日13:34:19 教育 1504


高中英語素材積累話題:周圍的環境 - 天天要聞


1.lie in the center of the city 位於這個城市的中心2.be situated/located in ... 坐落在……3.on the left/right 在左/右邊4.in front of the library 在圖書館的前面5.be opposite to 在……對面6.in the north of 在……的北部(內部)7.on the south of 在……的南方(接壤)8.to the east of 在……的東面(相離)9.a bright large living room 明亮的大客廳10.be surrounded by trees 被樹包圍11.be familiar to sb. 為某人所熟悉12.be decorated with 用……裝飾13.be designed by 由……設計14.a traditional building 一幢傳統的建築15.be far away from school 離學校遠16.a set of modern cupboard 一組/套現代櫥櫃17.with/cover an area of ... 面積有……18.be famous for 因……而著名19.can hold 1,000 guests 可容納1000位客人20.dormitory building 宿舍樓21.stand for peace 象徵和平22.the School Exhibition Hall 學校展覽廳23.with two bedrooms and a living room 兩室一廳24.20miles away to the south of the city 距城南20英里處25.have/with a history of over 2,000 years 有兩千多年的歷史


1.On the top of the mountain stands a 40­-meter­-high tower.山頂上矗立著一座40米高的塔。

2.Located on the first floor of the library, the School Exhibition Hall, which covers an area of about 300 square meters, has a history of more than forty years.學校展覽廳位於圖書館一樓,佔地面積大約300平方米,已有40多年的歷史了。

3.Our teaching building is surrounded by beautiful trees and flowers.我們的教學樓被美麗的花和樹木環繞。

4.Facing the school gate, the library of our school is located on the right of the teaching building.我們學校的圖書館面朝學校大門,在教學大樓的右邊。

5.Guangzhou,a city with a population of about thirteen million, has a history of more than 2,200 years.廣州,擁有大約1300萬人口的一座城市,有2 200多年的歷史了。

6.Near the swimming pool stands a dining hall, and there meals are served from 7:30am to 9:00 am and between 5:30 pm and 8:00 pm.餐廳在游泳池附近,供餐時間為早上7:30至9:00,下午5:30至8:00。



[範文必背]Dear Peter,I』m writing to tell you that I will pay a visit to the museum of our city with some friends on Saturday morning. We will gather at the school gate and start out at 7:00 in the morning. Our visit will begin at 8:00 and it will last three hours. Please keep in mind that taking pictures is not allowed in the museum. In addition, during the visit, please keep quiet. I know you are very interested in our local customs and culture. This is surely a good chance for you to know more about them.I would like to meet you there and please let me know your decision soon. Sincerely yours, Li Hua

04記閱讀障礙辭彙1.balcony n. 陽台;樓座2.extension n. 擴大,延伸3.urban adj. 城市的;郊區的4.laundry n. 洗衣店;要洗的衣服5.eventually adv. 最終6.witness vt. 目擊,目睹 n. 見證人,目擊者7.circumstancen. (pl.)情況,環境,形勢;境況;境遇8.organization n. 團體,機構,組織9.construct vt. 建造,構築10.canteen n. 餐廳;食堂11.basement n. 地下室12.approximately adv. 接近;大約13.convenient adj. 便利的,方便的14.funeral n. 葬禮15.emergency n. 緊急情況(狀態)


考生注意!這所高校傳來最新消息 - 天天要聞


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孝感大悟舉行青少年「孝行月」實踐教育活動 - 天天要聞


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員工孩子考高分企業獎10萬 ,是「炒作狀元」嗎?| 新京報快評 - 天天要聞

員工孩子考高分企業獎10萬 ,是「炒作狀元」嗎?| 新京報快評

企業參與宣傳、炒作「高考狀元」,也是不鼓勵、不提倡的。▲林中東集團宣傳員工兒子為「理科狀元」,並給予重獎。圖/微信公眾號「中東集團」文 | 熊丙奇6月28日,「員工兒子高考718分公司獎10萬」的話題,登上社交平台熱搜榜。據報道,為考生髮放獎金的公司是吉林中東集團。該公司發布通告稱,「企業員工牛某某的兒子,在...
非常有前途的4個工科專業,就業率近乎100%,畢業生評價也很高 - 天天要聞


在當今科技飛速發展的時代,選擇一個有前景的工科專業對於未來職業發展至關重要。以下四個工科專業,不僅擁有幾乎100%的就業率,更是畢業生口碑中的佼佼者,它們的潛力和魅力不容小覷。1. 計算機科學與技術在這個數字化的時代,計算機科學與技術無疑是
姜同學月考83分屬實,若事情反轉,請嘴上留情 - 天天要聞


姜同學月考83分這事被官方證明了。之前我就質疑過,姜同學中考總分才621,在當地也就是一個普通學校的水平,如何在2年內學完這麼多高速課程? 可是我之前的視頻發出去之後,卻被幾乎一邊倒的罵。....
數學好≠情商高,同根相煎,北大教授為何為難中專生? - 天天要聞

