英國男孩篡改維基百科 成功混進演唱會VIP席

As a rule, [w=bouncer]bouncers aren't renowned for being [w=pushover]pushovers or easily [w=dupe]duped. Slurring "I'm not drunk" or indignantly insisting that you're "with the band" tend to have a very low success rate.一般來說,門衛可不怎麼好對付,或者說他們不是好惹的。如果你咕噥著說什麼「我沒醉」或者怒氣沖沖地咬定你「認識樂隊的人」,成功過關的概率是非常低的。

With a little bit of cunning, however - and good Wifi signal - it's not totally out of the question. Just ask Adam Boyd.但是,如果你有些小聰明——還有很棒的Wifi信號——這事兒也不完全就是「沒門兒」的。問問亞當•博伊德就知道了!

The teenager from Crewe managed to blag his way in to The Sherlocks' gig in Manchester on Friday armed simply with his phone and some slick editing skills.這位來自克魯(英國地名)的小夥子星期五成功地通過小花招混進了夏洛克樂隊在曼徹斯特的演唱會,而且僅僅裝備了一部手機和一點三腳貓編輯技巧。

A fan of the band, Adam and his friends had in fact already bought tickets, but had arrived late owing to a delayed train and were stuck with a "sh***" view of the stage.亞當是這支樂隊的粉絲,他本來已經和朋友們買了票,但是因為火車延誤遲到了,而且只能待在一個看舞台角度超爛的地方。

Most people would have grudgingly accepted this fate, settling instead for silently casting [w=dagger]daggers at all the people in the way and a mediocre musical experience.大多數人會不情不願地接受命運,安頓下來,悄悄地向所有擋在前面的人忿忿然,收穫一場不怎麼樣的音樂體驗。

Not Adam.亞當卻不是這樣。

Adam had a plan, though it admittedly involved a bit of Dutch courage.亞當早有計劃,不過說實話也是因為壯了些酒膽。

Noticing a bouncer guarding the VIP section, Adam explained, "In my drunken state I edited the band's Wikipedia page to say I was family, and it worked!"亞當發現演唱會VIP區守著個門衛,他解釋說:「我喝醉了,編輯了樂隊的維基百科頁面,說我是樂隊的家人,就那麼成功了!」

Here's the edit.以下就是他的編輯:

Adam [w=tweak]tweaked The Sherlocks' Wikipedia page so it not only said he was cousin of lead singer Kiaran Crook, but that he was the influence for the band's first single Live for the Moment.亞當修改了The Sherlocks樂隊的維基百科頁面,這樣一來,從維基上看,他不僅是樂隊主唱卡倫•克魯克的表親,而且還影響了樂隊第一支單曲《活在當下》的創作。

Adam later revealed that we so close to the band he could "see their watches".後來,亞當透露說:我們離樂隊那麼近,都能「看到他們的手錶」了。

Here's his VIP view.以下就是他從VIP區域看到的舞台:

He told The Sun, "I'm usually quite confident with others when I'm drunk, which probably helped in the situation with the bouncer."他對《太陽報》記著說:「我喝醉了之後往往會非常自信地與人相處,很可能這一點幫助我過了門衛那關。」

"From what I can remember, he had the rope going across the door, and refused to let me in, until I explained I was one of the band members' cousins, and obviously he didn't believe that, either. I was trying to find some way to 'prove' I was family. That's when I 'remembered' about being credited on Wikipedia, although I had changed it minutes beforehand, and showed him and he said 'Fair enough' and let me past."「據我的記憶,他用一條繩子把門截住了,不許我進去,後來我解釋說自己是樂隊成員的一位表親,但顯然他也沒有相信。我想找個辦法『證明』自己確實是樂隊成員家人。這時我想到了可以通過維基百科獲取信任,儘管我只是提前幾分鐘修改的頁面,但我拿給門衛看後,他說『好吧』就讓我進去了。」

"I guess luck was on my side, either that or a gullible bouncer?"「我想,是幸運之神幫了我,如若不然,就是我遇到了一位好騙的門衛。」

