視頻中,彭勃在田間的講台上表示,「i』d like to give you a grand introduction to our special product today which is rice.(今天,我給你們隆重地介紹一下我們的特產——大米)趙叔,幫咱介紹一下……」
彭勃介紹稱,「on the vast and boundless land of northeast china, when the gentle breeze blows by the unique sound seems as if the rice are whispering softly, telling the joy of growth. they are welcoming every ray of sunshine and every wisp of breeze(在廣袤無垠的東北土地上,微風拂過,獨特的聲響彷彿是水稻們在輕聲細語,訴說成長的喜悅,歡迎著每一縷陽光和每一縷微風)……」