Environmental Progress in Hengdong Sparks Bird Diversity and Abundance

2024年05月17日11:01:53 動漫 4124

Environmental Progress in Hengdong Sparks Bird Diversity and Abundance - 天天要聞

the photo shows egrets returning to their nests as the sun sets at gaohu town, hengdong county. in recent years, the county government has intensified efforts to protect environment, leading to an increase of green areas in wetlands and forests. many birds are attracted to inhabit and breed there, creating a beautiful scene. (photo/cao zhengping and shan guoping)

Environmental Progress in Hengdong Sparks Bird Diversity and Abundance - 天天要聞

the photo shows egrets returning to their nests as the sun sets at gaohu town, hengdong county. in recent years, the county government has intensified efforts to protect environment, leading to an increase of green areas in wetlands and forests. many birds are attracted to inhabit and breed there, creating a beautiful scene. (photo/cao zhengping and shan guoping)

Environmental Progress in Hengdong Sparks Bird Diversity and Abundance - 天天要聞

the photo shows egrets perching on branches at gaohu town, hengdong county. in recent years, the county government has intensified efforts to protect environment, leading to an increase of green areas in wetlands and forests. many birds are attracted to inhabit and breed there, creating a beautiful scene. (photo/cao zhengping and shan guoping)

Environmental Progress in Hengdong Sparks Bird Diversity and Abundance - 天天要聞

the photo shows egrets perching on branches at gaohu town, hengdong county. in recent years, the county government has intensified efforts to protect environment, leading to an increase of green areas in wetlands and forests. many birds are attracted to inhabit and breed there, creating a beautiful scene. (photo/cao zhengping and shan guoping)

this article is from the hunan provincial government www.enghunan.gov.cn.


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