[CNMO News] Recently, CMMO discovered on Douyin App that a new function of “group purchase and delivery” appeared on the homepages of some catering stores. Users click to enter the group purchasing interface and complete the relevant delivery information before placing an order f

[CNMO News] Recently, CMMO discovered on Douyin App that a new function of “group purchase and delivery” appeared on the homepages of some catering stores. Users click to enter the group purchasing interface and complete the relevant delivery information before placing an order for delivery. On July 15, the relevant person in charge of Douyin Life Service stated that Douyin Life Service is carrying out activities to help merchants recover in some cities. Taking into account the actual needs of merchants and users, the platform is trying to open the delivery of group purchase products for some merchants with urgent needs. service, the project is currently still in the exploratory stage.


is different from Ele.me and Meituan . Douyin, which has just entered the food delivery industry, does not yet have its own delivery team. Merchants still need to contact the riders themselves for delivery. Douyin is equivalent to just providing a Product sales platform, as for other after-sales issues, merchants need to handle them themselves.

Douyin Group Buying and Delivery

As early as October last year, it was reported that Douyin would form a " Xindong Takeout " team. This information was subsequently denied by the relevant person in charge of Douyin. It is reported that this is not the first time that Douyin has been exposed to enter the food delivery industry. There have been many reports that Douyin is about to enter the food delivery industry, but this information has been denied by Douyin officials.

This time, Douyin officially launched a takeaway service, which means that this company, which made its fortune in short videos, is actively expanding its own industry chain. The current food delivery industry has been occupied by Meituan and Ele.me. Most of the market is occupied. How Douyin breaks out from the encirclement will be the next issue that Douyin needs to focus on. It is worth mentioning that some relevant people said that when Douyin enters the field of food delivery, it is most likely that it wants to use food delivery as a springboard to gradually enter the field of localized service platforms and obtain more economic benefits.