When you open a store on Pinduoduo, you have to keep the store active. If you do not manage the store for a long time and leave it alone, you will be labeled as a silent store by the platform. Some merchants asked, can Pinduoduo Silent Store still be used?

When you open a store on Pinduoduo, you have to keep the store active. If you do not manage the store for a long time and leave it alone, you will be labeled as a silent store by the platform. Some merchants asked, can Pinduoduo Silent Store still be used?

Whether Pinduoduo Silent Store is useful depends entirely on the punishment on the platform. Some are closed and cannot be reopened. If you quit by yourself, it will take 1 year before you can restart. The process of opening a store is the same as before. of.

1. What should I do if Pinduoduo is marked as a silent store?

Pinduoduo wants to activate the silent store. During this period, it needs to re-list products in the store to effectively increase the activity of the store. Over time, the traffic will show an upward trend.

1. Product price reduction

Product price reduction can improve traffic acquisition capabilities and at the same time increase product conversion.

2. Share with friends

Recommend products to friends around you and quickly accumulate sales through social channels. After a certain sales base is established, the ability of products to obtain traffic will be greatly improved.

3, Advertising Duoduo Jinbao

Placing advertisements or using Duoduo Jinbao is one of the most direct and effective ways to obtain traffic.

2. How to face different types of consumers?

1. Consumers who keep asking. This type of consumer basically has a lot of questions and keeps asking you. After asking, the final result is probably that they have no money to buy it after a while. Faced with this kind of consumers, Pinduoduo customer service should not let consumers lead you away from your thoughts. Let consumers follow your thoughts, so that it will be easier to close a transaction.

2. Silent and talkative consumers. This type of consumer is in sharp contrast to the previous type of consumer. However, this type of consumer is generally more straightforward and decisive. After understanding their questions, they will naturally place an order quickly. Pinduoduo customer service should not talk nonsense and tell you the key points. When consumers understand the basic points, they will place an order decisively.

3. Consumers with strong autonomy. These consumers are also relatively decisive. They usually understand what they want to know through the content on the details page, and then place an order after reading the good reviews and sales. This kind of Pinduoduo customer service basically does not need to come forward, but the key is to optimize the details page, get good reviews, and achieve good sales once it is done.

4. Picky consumers think or pretend to be experts and comment on products. In fact, the ultimate goal is to hope that merchants can give more discounts, discounts, gifts, etc. If they refuse the discounts, they may leave. In the face of this kind of consumers, appropriate discounts can be given, and the platform can be used to learn through learning. But we must also make it clear to consumers that this is the only discount, and make them feel that only they can enjoy it.

Generally speaking, whether Pinduoduo’s silent store can still be used depends on the platform’s punishment. If you don't take care of it for a long time, it will probably be blocked and you can no longer use it.