In July 2021, at the Global Emerging Technology Summit, Schmidt, the former CEO of Google, publicly announced: In terms of AI hardware advantages, "U.S." needs to stay at least two generations ahead of "China" in technology!

once made Jobs "very angry"! After leaving Google , he continued to talk about AI and 5G, targeting my country's leading companies...

It is Eric Emerson Schmidt: In 2001, he was influenced by the two founders of Google Invited by Larry Page and Sergey Brin, he served as Google CEO until 2011, and then became Google's executive chairman.

Between 2006 and 2009, Schmidt, who had a high status in Silicon Valley , also served as an important position on the board of directors of Apple Inc. .

And with the Android project acquired by Page "out of personal hobby", he "imitated" the iPhone OS interactive interface, which made Apple founder Steve Jobs extremely angry: he must destroy this "stealing product" (Android) !

Apple developed the first version of iPhone OS based on Unix (later renamed iOS). Is it difficult to "imitate" the touch interaction logic of WebOS? That’s a thing for another day~ ( Qualcomm used the WebOS patent it acquired during the “conflict period” to “stab Apple in the back”)

And that one was apparently considered by Jobs to be “Android copied iOS and was the biggest leaker behind the scenes.” Schmidt of cannot re-enter the board of directors of Apple. After completely "cutting off" the relationship with Google in 2020, has not been idle...

In July 2021, at the Global Emerging Technology Summit, this Schmidt, the former CEO of Google, publicly announced to the outside world: In terms of AI hardware advantages, "American" needs to stay at least two generations ahead of "Chinese" technology!

To a certain extent, Schmidt's "sense of superiority" coincides with the former CEO of Qualcomm Mollenkopf . The latter once declared that " beauty needs to lead at least 5-10 years of technical advantages. "~

In February 2022, claiming to urge "the United States" to increase investment in the next generation of Internet technology, Schmidt continued to stage a malicious "performative" propaganda:

Based on "the United States" The "pathetic" performance at this stage has caused "Mei" to fail in the 5G technology competition and "lose" far ahead of "China"...

Don't think Schmidt is praising, this is actually typical. "American style" : Regardless of whether the other party is really "that", preconceptions define the other party as "that", and then beautify oneself as a "savior" and a beacon-like existence~

This is Schmidt, the former CEO of Google , undoubtedly in the field of science and technology, incites "the United States" to suppress the core role of "Chinese enterprises" ! (It’s not that it thinks that “Chinese enterprises” are wrong in terms of technology leadership, but that it deliberately misinterprets the nature of technological competition) Schmidt, the former CEO of Google who co-contributed to the US media " Wall Street Journal ", said: has given China a sure win...

Schmidt "over-exaggeration and misinterpretation of content" The first point of :

China Mainland China's semiconductor industry is developing rapidly. If the so-called "Beauty" does not actively "respond", it will be equivalent to "sitting back and watching" the Chinese market continue to advance rapidly and become the "world's largest chip manufacturing" origin in 2025!

Schmidt believes that China has previously "won" telecommunications equipment (Huawei Technology and other companies), solar clean energy (Huawei Technology and other companies), smart electric vehicles (Huawei Technology and other companies) and other fields Market leadership.

In terms of the semiconductor chip "supply chain" ​ industry, the Chinese market already has the advantage of completeness: among the key raw materials for manufacturing chips, 70% of silicon, 80% of tungsten, and 97% of gallium required by the global market. is supplied by Chinese companies...

In other words, the first point of Schmidt's "misinterpretation" is that is "unwilling" that the Chinese market is the supplier of key chip materials?

In the 30 years from 1990 to 2020, 32 chip factories were built in the Chinese market! In the global market, there are only 24 in other regions...

Data disclosed by relevant technology information shows that there are 23 "12-inch wafer manufacturing line" factories in mainland China alone, with a total monthly production capacity of 1.042 million wafers. So many! What's more, it is expected that in the next five years, mainland China will add 25 "12-inch" wafer manufacturing line factories, reaching a "monthly production capacity" of 2.763 million pieces by the end of 2026. scale!

Based on this data, the outside world can understand: Chinese companies that have manufactured "more than half" of the number of circuit boards in the global market will also complete the feat of "doubling" the number of 12-inch wafer manufacturing plants in the future!

Based on this, former Google CEO Schmidt felt panicked. Based on their typical "American style" perspective of "leading is the king", is not incomprehensible...

But in fact, we are mainly based on "independence" "Demand" is just normal production capacity expansion, the focus is on technological independence! instead of They "American companies" use their own narrow-mindedness and grandiose thinking of as a "competition for technological strength and position" ~

What you need to understand is that the equipment used in facilities in various industries does not require process technologies of 28nm or above. "Mature process" production capacity, the demand is still very large... the degree of importance is no less than "advanced process"...

Some technology information analysts and people in the semiconductor industry pointed out: 28nm and above mature processes for manufacturing chips are sufficient for manufacturing. About 70% of the chips required by the Chinese mainland market.

The reason is very simple. Our Chinese market, which still has huge development potential and is fully industrialized, has a high and diverse demand for various "chips with different functional characteristics":

For example, BYD's IGBT chip only requires 90nm. The process is (more stable and reliable), and other air-conditioning equipment, washing machine control panels, etc. can even be satisfied through the "micron" process!

Don’t think that process technology has smaller parameters, which is the only one. Don’t think All electronic devices are as “concerned about power consumption as data performance” as highly integrated smartphone products. This is obviously obvious. Cognitive misunderstanding~

Our Chinese semiconductor companies first focus on "mature technology" and solve primary needs in a down-to-earth manner, instead of blindly spending a lot of energy and unrealistically developing "advanced technology" Catching up, is absolutely correct!

When we have laid a sufficient foundation of the semiconductor industry chain, we will have enough time to fully tackle advanced technology!

Schmidt "Excessive exaggeration and misinterpretation of content" The second point of :

Yes, it not only believes that the "mature technology" chip manufacturing industry of our mainland Chinese enterprises is "developing too fast", which they say is "intolerable" ...

It even feels that our Taiwanese company "TSMC" has mastered the world's leading process technology and advanced technology, and once "bundled" American companies such as Apple, Nvidia, AMD, and is also a so-called "huge risk" "Unbearable?"

is similar to another official "statement" of "U.S.": advanced process technology manufactures high-performance chips, relies on the "TSMC" production line in Taiwan, China, to process and manufacture , so it is not safe for "U.S."... ?

​In the cognition and tone of Schmitt: Our "mature technology" production capacity in mainland China has increased by leaps and bounds, making them "unbearable"... Our "advanced technology" TSMC production lines in Taiwan, China, they are also " Unbearable"...

I really can't help but complain here: There are so many things~

From the previous AI intelligent hardware industry to the crucial 5G core system, and then, this time, a former CEO said: Again Let China win! This time it’s a chip! (From mature technology to advanced technology, they are "unbearable" everywhere~)

The last thing I want to say is: It is very simple. As for the technological progress of our Chinese companies, it will be better for American companies to get used to it as soon as possible.

Author: Cai Fatao | Today’s Toutiao content