Recently, the QQ team issued a notice saying that due to the adjustment of QQ IoT business, QQ IoT service plans to be removed from the shelves. The new version and subsequent versions released by QQ in August 2022 will no longer be compatible with IoT services. Public informatio

Recently, the QQ team issued a notice stating that due to the adjustment of QQ IoT business, the QQ IoT service plan will be removed. The new version and subsequent versions released by QQ in August 2022 will no longer be compatible with IoT services.

Public information shows that in October 2014, the "QQ IoT Intelligent Hardware Open Platform" was released. It provides QQ account system and relationship chain, QQ message channel capabilities and other core capabilities to partners in wearable devices, smart homes, smart vehicles, traditional hardware and other fields to achieve interconnection and interaction between users and devices and devices. , make full use of and give full play to the advantages of Tencent QQ's hundreds of millions of mobile clients and cloud services, and help traditional industries realize the Internet on a larger scale.

users can bind the smart device through LAN search and QR code scanning, and then find it in the QQ - Contact List - My Devices group on the mobile phone. For example, if it is bound to a camera, you can view the camera's picture. When the camera picture changes, you can push QQ messages.