Recently, the new open social platform Soul won the "Golden Rice Award" of Xiaomi App Store, which is the highest honor award of Xiaomi App Store. Product interaction, product function, product form, etc. are used as the selection criteria. Soul is deeply loved and recognized by

Recently, the new open social platform Soul won the "Golden Rice Award" of Xiaomi app store. This is the highest honor award of Xiaomi app store. Product interaction, product function, product form, etc. are used as the selection criteria. Soul is deeply loved and recognized by users in the Xiaomi App Store. It won the award with its trendy product interaction, innovative functional design and immersive social experience, which once again attracted a lot of attention from the industry and outside. Currently, Soul has been downloaded more than 250 million times in the Xiaomi App Store.

Soul was born from the founder Zhang Lu’s profound analysis of young people’s social interaction - it is difficult for most young people to find immediate and quality resonance in the traditional social environment because it is filled with various life, work and strong social relationships. , bringing huge social pressure. In order to provide a stress-free social experience, Zhang Lu and her team jointly created Soul App, which allows young people to communicate freely with people with similar interests and establish deep and equal social relationships.

Different from traditional communication social products, Soul is a "social metaverse for young people" that builds relationships based on interest maps and uses gamified gameplay to design products. Here, you can use your own virtual avatar to get rid of the constraints of time and space, express freely without worries, and share your life, exchange hobbies, explore the world in an immersive social scene, and finally meet like-minded people and create Your own "social metaverse".

Soul has not supported real-life photos as avatars since its inception. You can use Soul's original "3D Face Pinch" function to design a 3D avatar by yourself, create a unique new virtual avatar, and pass the "Soul Test" and "Gravity Sign" "Find your true self. Putting aside external factors such as appearance and geographical location, you can use your virtual avatar to roam in various social scenes, express yourself without pressure, interact with others, and make spiritually connected partners.

And Soul’s “Square Moment” function is a window for users to express their emotions. You can record the joys, sorrows and joys in life and share them with soulers who have similar souls. While receiving immediate and quality responses, you will have infinite warmth and power. In addition, Soul has also innovatively launched diverse scenes and functions such as Soul Matching, Pet Planet, Group Chat Party, Soul Werewolf, etc. to help users interact in real time and enjoy an immersive joint experience.

Souler may not know each other, but they can always find someone to talk to. All of Soul's current scene and gameplay designs are based on the product vision of "Let there be no lonely people in the world." In the future, under the leadership of Zhang Lu and his team, Soul will continue to delve into virtual reality technologies such as AR and VR to deliver the warmth of the platform by improving social experience and eliminate users' worries and stress in the real world.