Platform e-commerce, app e-commerce, short video e-commerce, live broadcast e-commerce, knowledge e-commerce, content e-commerce, community e-commerce, community e-commerce, interest e-commerce, etc., everything can be e-commerce. In the field of e-commerce on the Internet platfo

platform e-commerce, app e-commerce, short video e-commerce, live broadcast e-commerce, knowledge e-commerce, content e-commerce, community e-commerce , community e-commerce and interest e-commerce, etc., everything can be e-commerce. In the field of e-commerce on the

Internet platform, there are various e-commerce models. Also following changes in “users and markets”, we gradually promote new ones and hide old ones.

“New models” are emerging one after another. How should physical stores respond? If we analyze it carefully, there is really only one way to survive! That is the integration of physical stores into " digital transformation ".

is really not a joke, it is true to live. If you are stubborn and look down on the Internet, there is really no way to go. This trend has really reached this situation. The editor of

has carefully analyzed the "three key cores". You can judge whether it makes sense, or if there are any unexpected places, you are welcome to add to them.

, the development trend of the times, has entered the stage of "digital" popularization and application. Out of touch with the development process of the times, the only outcome is to be eliminated.

Second, we have now reached a special stage of "transformation and upgrading". Only by following the trend can we satisfy user needs and master the market rules.

Third, now is the theme era of "traffic is king". The development of science and technology is becoming more and more powerful, and the application of technology products is becoming more and more widespread. The use of technology products is also particularly important.

How magical is this era? You can make money lying down, order takeout, and watch the world while lying down! All these big changes come from the development of science and technology.

Generally speaking, especially traditional physical stores, they are already facing huge competitive pressure! We are also faced with the situation of upgrading if we transform, and falling behind if we do not transform. How can

have "core competitiveness"? You need to work hard to keep up with the development of the times, so you won't be eliminated! Everything lies in the change of people's "thinking".

The whole world has entered the integrated application stage of "digital transformation". Our country has taken the lead in realizing "digitalization +, Internet + , intelligence +, informatization +" and so on. The integration of

's global "entity +" will promote economic development to a new level. As long as our thinking continues to progress and we firmly grasp the core of "innovation and development", everything is possible.

Author: Internet Voice