Before reading the article below, I hope you can click "Follow" above for free! Next, you can receive free international information every day! Your attention is my motivation~please support me! ! Huawei is one of the leading companies in China's technology sector. In addition to

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Huawei is one of the leading companies in China's technology industry. In addition to helping our country take the initiative in the 5G field, it has also made huge contributions to the chip, new energy, mobile phone and other industries. Huawei's dazzling light means that China's technology community is rising rapidly, which is difficult for Western countries to accept, so they have launched a "boycott" against Huawei. The United States has repeatedly "revised" chip export rules, and countries such as Britain, France, and Australia have all announced bans on Huawei's 5G equipment. The European and American markets that Huawei has been cultivating for many years disappeared overnight. What we didn't expect was that Sweden , which has always been neutral, actually "attacked" Huawei this time. Now the result is here, but Ren Zhengfei has been prepared for it.

As the most advanced 5G communication operator in China, Huawei has a large lead in the world. The reason why Huawei has the right to speak in 5G is because Huawei has more than 3,400 5G patents, ranking first in the world. , which means that domestic technology companies will not be choked by foreign technologies in the 5G field. If any foreign technology company wants to develop 5G, it is very likely that it cannot do without Huawei 5G technology. If you want to use Huawei 5G technology, you can Patent fees must be paid, so the initiative must be on our side. In Huawei's words, Huawei's 5G technology is already 1-2 years ahead of the world.

Before the United States took action, the 5G commercial orders accepted by Huawei had always been ahead of Ericsson , Nokia was the first in the world, so in order to limit Huawei's ability to show its skills around the world, Western countries have basically given up on Huawei's 5G equipment and technology, and even dismantled Huawei's local 5G base station construction. You know, many of these countries are markets that Huawei has been deeply involved in for a long time, such as the United Kingdom and Sweden. Swedish 5G communications operator Ericsson made it clear that Huawei's 5G technology and equipment are safe and advised Sweden not to oppose Huawei's 5G, but Sweden did not listen. Huawei could only initiate a lawsuit against the Swedish Telecommunications Authority based on the trade principle of "violating market fairness and justice".

Some time ago, the Swedish court officially announced that banning Huawei 5G equipment is not illegal, and also required local governments to dismantle Huawei 5G equipment as soon as possible and complete it before 2025. We all know that when Huawei was slandered as "unsafe", it immediately went to Germany to verify its own security, and no evidence of "endangering network security" was found. In addition to Germany, the United Kingdom also recently stated that Huawei's 5G technology and equipment are safe. Despite this, news of a ban on Huawei's 5G is still coming from Sweden. However, Huawei in Sweden also has a good way to deal with it.

After Huawei’s 5G commercial orders were restricted by other means, Huawei shifted its 5G development focus to other aspects, such as 5G ToB business. Simply put, 5G ToB business is to build 5G smart factories, 5G smart cities, 5G smart ports, etc. based on Huawei's 5G technology. Huawei has established more than a dozen teams for the 5G ToB project to focus on developing the project. Today, the number of Huawei 5G ToB contracts exceeds 3,000. Just like the 5G commercial contract back then, it is still the first in the world.

In Huawei's words, the future 5G market will be the 5G ToB market, because there is an upper limit to the construction of 5G base stations , but global factories, ports and other areas are constantly under construction, and the number far exceeds that of global communication operators . Foreign media said that Huawei had anticipated Sweden's operations, so it shifted its development focus to the 5G ToB project early on. In general, what cannot kill us will only make us stronger. This is the case with Huawei. It will always swim against the current, but precisely because of this, Huawei's perseverance will always be the most tenacious.