On June 30, under the leadership of the China Cultural Industry Association, nearly 30 institutions jointly launched the "Digital Collection Industry Self-Discipline Development Initiative" in Beijing. Opposing secondary transactions and speculation and improving access standards

html On June 30, under the leadership of the China Cultural Industry Association, nearly 30 institutions jointly launched the "Digital Collection Industry Self-Discipline Development Initiative" in Beijing. Opposing secondary transactions and speculation and improving access standards have become the core consensus of the industry's high-quality development of . . It is reported that the participating parties include professional organizations and associations in the cultural and tourism industry, cultural central enterprises, IP institutions, and Internet technology companies such as Ant , Tencent , Baidu , JD , etc. It is currently the most extensive self-discipline convention in the industry. .

A picture to understand the self-discipline initiative!

Its interpretation means that the digital collection platforms of state-owned enterprises, central enterprises, professional institutions and associations in the cultural and tourism industry, cultural central enterprises, IP institutions, and Internet technology companies such as Ant, Tencent, Baidu, and JD.com will not have access to the secondary market.

is different from most foreign platforms that apply NFT technology as financial products. The collections of domestic digital collections are more regarded as digital cultural and creative categories. The overall situation is closely aligned with the national cultural digitalization strategic direction and is based on the use of digital means to innovate artistic expressions. The form, cultural experience and presentation method can meet the growing spiritual and cultural needs of consumers and users, especially the digital utilization of Chinese traditional culture, enhance the contemporary expression of China's outstanding cultural and museum IP, and use digital technology to empower Chinese cultural soft power. A simple interpretation of

is that in China, all digital collections with backgrounds from state-owned enterprises and large factories are given to everyone for collection and appreciation to satisfy a certain spiritual level.

If digital collection enthusiasts participate in the purchase of digital collections with the mentality of collecting and appreciating them for themselves, and for the purpose of lifelong collection, they can continue to consider central enterprises and initiative platforms to purchase their favorite digital collections. If it is for investment purposes Tibetan friends are advised to avoid it as much as possible to avoid investment risks.