On June 29, the founding conference of the Shanxi Telecom Science and Technology Association and the first Science and Technology Festival were launched. China Economic Times reporter Cao Ying and Li Xiaoyu "Enterprises are the main body of scientific and technological innovation

On June 29, the founding conference of Shanxi Telecommunications Science and Technology Association and the first Science and Technology Festival were launched

China Economic Times reporter Cao Ying Li Xiaoyu

"Enterprises are the main body of technological innovation and a gathering place for scientific and technological workers. We must establish an enterprise science and technology association Taking the opportunity to actively integrate into the overall situation of the province, become a platform for internal and external communication, and further promote the high-level development of the province's telecommunications science and technology innovation work. Jin Jianyong, chairman of of the Association for Science and Technology, said so.

Shanxi Telecommunications Science and Technology Association was unveiled

On June 29, the founding meeting of Shanxi Telecommunications Science and Technology Association and the first Science and Technology Festival were launched. At the meeting, Liu Xiaozhou, director of the Quality Department of Shanxi Science and Technology Association, read out the approval document of the Science and Technology Association for the establishment of China Telecom Shanxi Branch. Li Deng'ao, dean and doctoral supervisor of the School of Big Data of Taiyuan University of Technology, Yang Rongcao, professor and doctoral supervisor of the School of Physics and Electronic Engineering of Shanxi University, was hired as an expert member of the External Science and Technology Association of Shanxi Telecom Science and Technology Association.

Build a win-win ecology of science and technology

Established provincial and municipal Tianyi Cloud Company to promote digital infrastructure; established 5G joint innovation laboratory and software security research institute; formed a number of 5G+ application innovation achievements in industrial manufacturing, energy mining and other industries; in digital government affairs , smart community and other aspects to create multiple industrial digital platforms...

Jin Jianyong, secretary of the party committee, general manager and chairman of the Association for Science and Technology of China Telecom Shanxi Branch, delivered a speech

In recent years, Shanxi Telecom has fully implemented the group's "cloud to digital transformation" strategy to With the goal of building a technology-based enterprise, we systematically promote the layout of science and technology innovation and promote the transformation of the science and technology innovation talent team. In the past three years, the cumulative investment in R&D has exceeded 100 million yuan, which has played a certain role in serving the construction of digital Shanxi and assisting customers in the digital transformation of to . The establishment of Shanxi Telecom Science and Technology Association will surely become a new milestone in Shanxi Telecom’s scientific and technological innovation work.

In order to encourage Shanxi Telecom to use scientific and technological power to assist the construction of "Digital Shanxi", Yuan Chuntian, a second-level inspector of the Shanxi Provincial Department of Science and Technology , put forward three hopes. First, we must adhere to innovation leadership and promote scientific and technological innovation to a higher level; Focus on demand orientation and strengthen scientific and technological research on key links in key areas; third, we must strengthen talent training and gather outstanding scientific and technological talents to help Shanxi develop.

Shanxi Telecom appointed Li Deng'ao (right), dean and doctoral supervisor of the Big Data School of Taiyuan University of Technology, and Yang Rongcao (middle), professor and doctoral supervisor of the School of Physics and Electronic Engineering of Shanxi University, as expert committee members of the External Science and Technology Association

Shanxi Provincial Communications Liu Hongyu, deputy director of the Administration, fully affirmed Shanxi Telecom’s achievements in 5G network construction and the integrated development of industrial Internet such as “5G+” smart coal mines, smart factories, smart metallurgy, smart manufacturing, and smart coking.

"I hope Shanxi Telecom will integrate into the 'new infrastructure' by strengthening its scientific and technological strength, better serve the construction of Taixin Economic Zone, and better empower the ten key industrial chains of our province to improve quality and efficiency." Shanxi Provincial Department of Industry and Information Technology 2 Inspector Yu Shenghua said.

Gong Jianwei, deputy general manager of Shanxi Telecom, presided over the meeting

Strengthening the application of results

The key to technological competition is talent competition, and the core of technological advantage is talent advantage. As an important entry point and breakthrough for the cultivation of high-level innovative talents, the integration of industry and education has brought together new momentum for development. At the meeting, focusing on "5G+AI focuses on intelligence empowerment, and the integration of industry and education promotes the development of digital economy", Li Dengyao talked about 5G+AI as an important measure to promote the development of digital economy. Shanxi should build universities based on specific realities. To truly achieve the integration of industry and education to better serve local economic construction, let every teacher and student become an innovator and entrepreneur in the integration of industry and education.

Li Deng'ao, dean and doctoral supervisor of the School of Big Data at Taiyuan University of Technology, gave a keynote speech

In order to truly promote the cultivation of comprehensive talents and improve the current situation of rigid integration of industry and education and separation of schools and enterprises, he suggested that we should take root in industry Based on the actual economic development and following the basic laws of talent training, establish and improve the guarantee mechanism and guarantee system for the integration of industry and education in colleges and universities; at the same time, improve the guidance mechanism for 5G+AI integration of industry and education in colleges and universities; establish information on the integration of 5G+AI industry and education in colleges and universities Management and service platform.

When talking about how to truly open up the "last mile" of industry, academia and use, Yuan Chuntian, the second-level inspector of the Shanxi Provincial Department of Science and Technology, pointed out that as a technology-based enterprise, Shanxi Telecom should highlight demand orientation and focus on Shanxi's digital economy. Construction, strengthen scientific and technological research on key links in key areas, effectively connect with scientific research units, closely integrate industry, academia, and research, and introduce more China Telecom scientific and technological achievements into Shanxi.

Conference site

"Shanxi Telecommunications Science and Technology Association should give full play to the cohesion of the Association of Science and Technology, guide the company's scientific and technological workers to focus on cloud network integration, 5G+ applications, big data and AI, network information security and other fields to carry out technological innovation and technological breakthroughs, strengthen Exchanges and cooperation with university science and technology associations, relevant national societies, and provincial societies, promote the close integration of industry, academia, and research, vigorously promote the transfer and transformation of scientific and technological achievements, create an innovative brand with telecommunications characteristics, and launch a more "parallel" and "leading" level "Innovation achievements." said Liu Ziliang, the second-level inspector of Shanxi Science and Technology Association.

work together to innovate and create the future. "We will build a larger platform to share China Telecom's R&D cloud, invite our customers, partners, university experts, scientific research institutes, etc. to discuss and exchange together, share knowledge, integrate resources, promote the transformation of results, and contribute to the scientific and technological innovation and development of Shanxi Contribute our strength to the new future," Gong Jianwei, deputy general manager of Shanxi Telecom , said during the host.