WeChat video calls use virtual cameras


Three days of short holiday, I have nothing to do at night to browse station B, I brushed this video to make you want to stop 10 Steam god-level software, to meet your "strange" needs ”, the video introduces Blender (free and open source 3D creation tool, essential software for novice modeling), VTube Studio (face capture software, which can accurately identify facial expressions and map them into new character models), OBS Studio (live streaming , screen recording, multi-track audio, virtual camera), Screen Play (free and open source live wallpaper software) ... etc. etc Dimensional model, Liu Yifei , Wu Yanzu ), and borrowed OBS Studio to open the virtual camera, and then borrowed WeChat video, can it not amuse the brothers... So I embarked on the road to the pit.


Steam game distribution platform, a must-have software for eating chicken. Since I didn't play chicken on my computer before, I need to download and install Steam again. The download address of Steam is

Let me talk about it here, go directly to Strem's official website to download Steam, or directly Google Search for "Steam", never use Baidu to search for "Steam"!

At first, I thought that Steam has been popular in China for a few years. There should also be resources on Baidu , so I directly searched for "Steam" on Baidu, and gave me to divert to a website called "StremBig", so I downloaded it. After installation and registration, a set of processes went down, searched for "VTube Studio" in the resource library and found that there is no such software, and then Google searched "SteamBig and Steam", what... It turns out that SteamBig is just a rental platform. .. disguised as Steam...drunk. After

registers Steam

and installs Steam, the second pit problem will be found at this time.

When you start to register a Steam account, fill in the corresponding email information, and then after the human-machine verification is completed, click submit, and it will always prompt "error code 118, your response to CAPTCHA seems to be invalid. Please re-verify below. You are not a robot" . I went back and forth several times and thought it was a network problem, so I downloaded and installed NetEase's UU accelerator, but I found that I still couldn't register! I found a circle of solutions on the Internet: "clean local DNS cache, restart the computer" and so on, all of which are invalid.

finally saw the operation method of this post, so I adjusted the registration location to " Taiwan ", and then, the registration was successful! Simply off the charts!

VTube Studio

At this time, I can finally officially enter the main topic. The time has reached 9:40 from 9:00 pm at first. I originally wanted to go to bed before 11:00. Hey.

Install VTube Studio

Steam search for VTube Studio, and then install it.

Set VTube Studio

After installation and opening, double-click the left mouse button in the middle of the screen to adjust the corresponding menu bar, then click the setting button

After opening the settings, we first adjust the corresponding language to "Simplified Chinese" The model used, you can choose to import the model (the premise is that you need to make a model first, our common AI face-changing model is almost like this), here we directly choose an existing model Akari, be a human Face tracking verification first.

At this time, click Settings again, select Camera Settings, then select the corresponding camera to be turned on, adjust the face capture settings, and finally turn on the face capture. When we turn on face capture, we will see the face calibration shown in Figure "5". After the calibration is completed, the real-time face capture is completed, and then you can return to the main page.

At this point, you will find that when you open your mouth, the animation model will also open your mouth, and when you move backward, the model will also dynamically expand and contract.At this point, we click the layer button in Figure "1" to reset the background color

We adjust the corresponding background to "background_8", which is a green screen background, which is convenient for subsequent adjustments.

After clicking the X button on the left menu bar, our final effect is like this.

OK, so far, the configuration of VTube Studio has been done. The overall use is relatively simple and convenient, and more functions can be tried by yourself.

Then after we can capture the face, the next thing to do is to map the result of the face capture to a video stream. Then connect the virtual camera to complete our final effect.

Original Statement: Author: Chen Yaojin, Blog address: https://www.cnblogs.com/zh94/

OBS Studio

We need to install an OBS Studio software, and install the virtual camera plug-in of OBS Studio. For OBS installation, please refer to
here. Of course, the installation method is only for reference. When I installed it, I installed it directly to the non-C drive mechanical hard disk directory. If it is installed in a specified directory, when installing the plug-in, it only needs to be installed in the same directory. After
is installed, the effect is as follows:

At this point, we create a new source, select the game source, select "collect a specific window" in the mode, select the application process "VTube Studio" we have opened in the corresponding window selection, and click after selecting. Just confirm.

On the corresponding new layer, right-click, select "Filter", a new filter window will be opened, and the corresponding chroma key can be added, as shown below:

After adding the filter, this When closing the filter window and returning to the main interface, the effect is as follows:

OK, the adjustment is completed at this time, we have also used OBS to monitor the window of our VTube Studio, the next thing to do is to open the virtual camera .


Use the computer to open the WeChat video verification, at this time, we select "OBS-Camera" in the camera corresponding to the WeChat video, and then the WeChat video will be connected to the virtual camera in real time. Is it simple? A verification, in principle, all video software, nail , Tencent conference , and various live broadcast software can access our virtual camera in the same way.

Fire, theft, and fraud

Everything on the Internet can be fake! Originally thought that the camera can only be a physical camera, and the result is a camera interface provided by the system, but with the realization of a virtual camera, it finally corresponds to a rich ecology.

creates a model of a real person and conducts various video frauds in the virtual Internet, which is also a common method now! Get another voice changer and an anime model, and that's the anime anchor that already exists on the Internet! Joe Biello!

Various types of face recognition, AI face-changing open source codes emerge in an endless stream, and technology does not distinguish between good and evil, but people should be good, and technology should be good!

article from https://www.cnblogs.com/zh94/p/16111417.html